Endless Paradigm

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GOD_of_LORD isn't a cheat, he's just very good.

And the problem that makes people think others are cheating is the way the game handles server lag and the drawing of the ships. It draw the expected paths of the ships when it cannot keep real-time comms with the server (which is alot, just look at all the login problems different people have), then when it does get an accurate fix on where they are in the games it adjusts the speed, etc of the ship it has been drawing so that it moves to the correct location. That's how a ship can appear to be alongside one second and then be 18 seconds ahead one lap later, it also explains why mines appear out of no-where with 0.000001 seconds notice. :666:
hmm very plausible. he doesn't fly pirahna though...i didnt want to name names either just in case i was wrong.
heres hoping a patch cures these problems.
im sure they will work the bugs out with their servers in time and maybe when they release some downloadable game content.. the game is new and is only released in europe as far as i know so maybe once it hits other areas the servers will get better cause they will have to have more of them to accomedate the US and japan and everywhere else

naa i don't think GOD_of_LORD is a cheat.. hes just very good... maybe he worked on the game.. who knows... i don't think anyones cheating online.. its as UG says it just seems that way cause its the server catching up with the game.. practice practice practice and you too will be winning by 15+ seconds lol
well winning by 15 seconds is a pipe dream for me because i can't fly the slow turning slow start ships like pirhana yet so itll probably be a long time too. im comfortable with the speed and handling of eg-x atm.
EG-X in my opinion is the best balanced ship, pirahana is not the fastest ship for 90% of the tracks at the higher speed settings because on some tracks even with airbrake and turning you cannot get round some corners in it, some you can side-shift round but that is a 1337 skill that is very hard to do reliably.
qirex is qirex i just use that ship
what do you use ug?
I'm working my way through all the cars, though I'm waiting for the download pack so I can race that beautiful Mirage car, I can't wait to see what there concept version looks like :hmm:
hopefully when they release a patch, it'll also include voice chat capabilities.  UG, is it really that hard to do a side shift? i can do it instinctively. I do it almost every race
No, it's not hard to side shift, but to use it to take a sharp 90 degree + corner at phantom is.
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