Endless Paradigm

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all ranks updated and all 50 point prizes issued.. oh and doomsday the password for our league is VOID unless stated otherwise on the crybox or in a post here
Event 68:

1/ UncertainGod
2/ PonSmot
3/ squee666
4/ Azumi
5/ Shmilk
Event 69

1/ squee666
2/ Azumi
3/ UncertainGod
4/ PoknSmot
5/ Shmilk
event 70

1/ syfe
2/ UncertainGod
3/ doomsday195
event 71

1/ doomsday195
2/ UncertainGod
3/ syfe
event 72

1/ UncertainGod
2/ syfe
3/ doomsday195
all updated!!!!
Event 73 (3 race tourney at phantom)

1st UncertainGod
2nd doomsday195
before i start this is a rant - feel free to ignore this if you don't agree with me.

i have figured out something you may not want to know. after all my games online and offline i have come to some conclusions.
the person in front is practically unbeatable if they make no mistakes at all in the first lap no matter what ship they use (with exceptions as below). this is especially true when flying piranah which it seems is the fastest ship. that ship can come from behind and win with ease provided no mistakes or damage.
now this is the bit you won't want to hear. either some people have hacks or the netcode is so bad its practically unplayable as a competition - its possible according to what i have seen for the slowest ship to leave the fastest ship standing at slower classes (i can't play rapier or above - that's madness). my observations after having played the game a lot and getting lots of perfect laps is that some people still have ships that are just stupidly fast. i have seen myself going 4 perfect laps in the lead to see some asshole speed by me on the third lap and beat ME by at least 15 seconds. 15 SECONDS... this has happened a few times and its usually one of about 3-4 people that do it. i can name a few people that NEVER lose a game no matter what they get hit with. its so stupid trying to race people like that so im not going to any more - if those people are playing on a server that im on ill just be leaving - its no longer fun to lose by so much even when doing perfect laps. if it gets to the point where every game is like that ill just be stopping altogether. im not going to accuse anyone - even though i am tempted - i can't prove a thing, however whatever is going on - be it cheats or just very bad netcode - will be revealed in time. i also won't be taking part in the league (yes i suck but theres more going on here than that) - you can still count my places in any games i do play but i don't care where i am because i have 0 chance against the likes of squee and ug. ill be doing it only when im bored.
its a shame because the first game was fun and this is just insanly hard now - way harder and nowhere near as much fun. i thought if i get back into it ill be able to play as good as i used to, but that's not enough. it seems being good enough to beat the first game is no longer enough to win this one - im really disapointed.

anyway end of rant feel free to ignore this just don't expect me around much in the tournaments, that's all.
Maybe wee need seperate groups...like one for the Aliens and one for the Humans...I myself have only placed not last by having someone disconnect or blow up :)  

BUT..i have been playing ALOT lately singleplayer and feel like im getting t oknow the tracks and that's the key cause when  iknow a corner is coming up and wher eto get in and out..OMG its now like a whole new world inside the race track.

You did well when wee raced Anger..don't give up....
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