thanks - you did good also beating me on the second and third races.
it just gets me angry when the same people over and over win by such a huge margin - its madness. i don't know how they do it but i can't beat those ones ever. ill still be playing just not seriously, as i now realise theres no point.
There is no point in honing your skills?
All I can say to that is "pussy".
correct theres no point - you obviously have more time on your hands than i will ever have to 'hone my skills'. besides i no longer find this fun and with comments like yours can you blame me? i now know what fun is and being beaten in most games isn't fun, and talking to people who think insults are funny isn't fun either. you must feel really proud beating the spoon out of everyone in a game.
the thing that scares me is i used to have enough time on my hands to be almost that good but i have better things to do now than waste my life playing a pointless game against unbeatable and unpleasant people, thank you.
thanks for making me post yet another rant - your response means i won't ever be playing you again, you can get your rankings from all the other people who like being beaten by a 'gaming god' [/sarcasm].
hehehe, this league was put together for people who knew each other from somewhere to enjoy a game. If it's no fun for you fine, have a nice life but don't say the game is impossible just because your slow and tend to blow yourself up every race.
im not slow and i don't blow myself up much any more - but then you wouldnt know because i havnt played you since i started out. and now you never will. also i never said the game was impossible - its impossible against people like YOU.
its unfortunate that other people still enjoy being beaten by you and others but im sure that will change. i started playing because it was FUN - sometimes losing sometimes not. playing people i kind of know is good also because it is usually friendly but now i know your not a friendly person i know to avoid you. never winning is no fun - knowing you have no chance is no fun. the appeal of a fun game is friendly people and having a remote chance at a win.
So you don't enjoy a challenge?
not impossible ones, no. i don't mind challenges but challenges are not fun. having an odd game with friends is fun. having a remote chance at a win is fun - even if it means not taking the game seriously.
true enough, but a online game by it's very nature is competitive, especially ones with rankings. If your no good at it move on.
ill move on when im ready - i still enjoy the fun games can bring. do you know what fun is?
Yes, I do. Enjoy the game then but I still see no point to this rant.
Are you seriously feeling justified rant about people being better than you at a game?