Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #7--Animated Sigs
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cmon there has to be people entering

i use cs3 lite sometimes

but have cs2 and imagready installed for main use
I've added two new rules..make sure you read them
Quote:a sig that just barely changes colors is NOT an animated sig to me...

Does this mean the only entry put in this far is DQd?

I would actually make a better one but I'm using an ANCIENT version of Photoshop at the moment so I'm out (In terms of a REAL entry) until I bother to get a newer one.
i wanted to make a seisurew sig >.<
Goshi Wrote:
Quote:a sig that just barely changes colors is NOT an animated sig to me...

Does this mean the only entry put in this far is DQd?

nope...that entry is legal as far as I'm concerned...

*and i was going to show you exactly what i was talking about, but the sig i spoke of no longer exists....
when's deadline?
[Image: sig-update.gif]


there's more than 1 entry now?

ooooh yes :D i spent time and effort on that lol changed it quite a few times before i was happy :P
well i don think ill enter
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