Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #7--Animated Sigs
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Seems like there's more entries now.

Since there's more entries now, I'll withdraw, since my original intention i said i might enter is to provide an alternative for the fact that there was only like 2 entries, so there could be more options to choose from.

Originally decided to follow Goshi by putting my current sig (see bottom) in as a joke entry. But meh, decided that there's little point in applying like that. I'll join in the future (maybe) when i actually attempt to seriously make something for a win.
heres my entry imageready recoomends at least double 256ram for animations but i have 384mb;P and no graphics card lol

474kb so its actually quite small

[Image: SOTW7.gif]


^ WIN ^
Finished me sign,.
Edited the video, used imageready to get picture and vid in sign,.. its 1,54 mb


[Image: f_FF8editNEWm_f6b5bd5.gif]

oops mines a bit different, but im so happy with it. My first animation........ever!!

[Image: untitled1di8.gif]

im so proud (even if it is poo poo, lol)


ah nuts, so i lost then lol
@ vegetano: your look good but she looks overstretched, try finding a better resolution image...

@deep: you can still win (anything is possible, right?), im sure you're gomma make it to the top 3 [Image: mrgreenthumbsup.png]
i should be done with mine in a few hours... i thinks theres around 12 hrs left in the competition soi should be done in time i hope...
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