Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #7--Animated Sigs
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good, more chance for me 2 have a shot at winning for the first time!!!
deep Wrote:good, more chance for me 2 have a shot at winning for the first time!!!

if nobody else enters, you'll have a very good shot at winning
*prays nobody else enters* :P
...when's deadline?
im guessing tomorow??
no one vote for deep :P

If wee don't vote, he still can't win
awww maaaaaaan :(:(  that's not very nice.. :(
would be funny though, only entrant can't win lol, and not just you, anyone to be honest
lmao but not this 1, i took some time on this sig lolz
Goshi Wrote:Does this mean the only entry put in this far is DQd?

I would actually make a better one but I'm using an ANCIENT version of Photoshop at the moment so I'm out (In terms of a REAL entry) until I bother to get a newer one.

Well, i made my sig (the one I'm currently using) not even using photoshop, or any graphics sophisticated graphics editing program at that.    lol, actually, MS Paint is the only graphics editing tool i used.

Video -» re-encode with trimming to get exact shape -» image sequence extraction -» image thinning and size optimization -» adding watermark and bmp to gif conversion (using MS paint. lol. was a pain. took like 2-3 mins of straight [double-click -» ctrl+v -» ctrl+s -» enter] to manually add it to like 50 pics.) -» binding into a single animated gif using a small 27kb program. The hardest bit was finding a good position in the fight sequence to loop nicely, and that took like 80% of the time.

But yeah, if u want add any effects, and do a significant amount of editing, then photoshop (or another advanced graphics program like photoshop) is the only real efficient option without wasting heaps of time. Mine had very little graphics editing on my part and is more a clever video strip than an originally made sig, (so probably can't qualify for any sig competitions).
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