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ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
bstronga Wrote:by the way something i haven't really looked at.
can you tell something about the order of the data?
You mean how the PSP knows which icon is which?  It's done by the ID of each entry :P

yeh, just wanted it more specific... but nevermind just looked at your src :>

int pspDecompress(const u8 *inbuf, u8 *outbuf, u32 outcapacity)
	int k1 = pspSdkSetK1(0);
	int retsize;
	if (inbuf[0] == 0x1F && inbuf[1] == 0x8B)
		retsize = sceKernelGzipDecompress(outbuf, outcapacity, inbuf, NULL);
	else if (memcmp(inbuf, "2RLZ", 4) == 0) // 2RLZ
		u32 arg[4];

		arg[0] = (u32)outbuf;
		arg[1] = outcapacity;
		arg[2] = (u32)(inbuf+4);
		arg[3] = 0;
		retsize = sceKernelExtendKernelStack(0x2000, (void *)sceKernelLzrcDecode_, arg);
		retsize = -1;

	return retsize;

It's here I think...

	else if (memcmp(inbuf, "2RLZ", 4) == 0) // 2RLZ
		u32 arg[4];

		arg[0] = (u32)outbuf;
		arg[1] = outcapacity;
		arg[2] = (u32)(inbuf+4);
		arg[3] = 0;
		retsize = sceKernelExtendKernelStack(0x2000, (void *)sceKernelLzrcDecode_, arg);

Maxime Wrote:Good job Zinga ;)
I just can't wait for a PTF Maker, Sony's theme manager actually rocks!

PS : I can test it on my 3.70 Slim if you want ;)

hopefully sony's theme maker will use RLZ compression also, and maybe it can be disassembled so wee can compress rlz on pc :yipi:
ok Ac_K, bstrong and zinga, how do you know where a mig starts and ends?
See the first page of this topic if you want know that...
ZiNgA have updated...
Ac_K Wrote:Hum... Interesting ZiNgA !
For the RLZ compression...
See the new PSARDumper by M33 !

In the source... I've saw a function for decrypt RLZ...
But, It's use a PSP Function... So RLZ could be decrypt just on PSP !

Look At Here ;) !
RLZ decompression has been known for a while - older versions of PSAR dumper have it.  In fact, PRXDecrypter, and Z33's tool do the same thing.
As you've said though, RLZ compression is currently unavailable.
In RCOs, deflate was suffice, but looking at the compression flags here, only RLZ is supported... >_>

Pirata Nervo Wrote:ok Ac_K, bstrong and zinga, how do you know where a mig starts and ends?
You just have to be able to figure it out by looking at it in a hex editor.  There's no magic way - this is all about hacking and figuring out how the PTF file format works.
o ok, so they are compressed in rlz compression, so after i CUT the correct block of data, and make a new file with that data, can i use the app with the weird name to decompress it?
^ There's a bit more work involved than that...
lol ok
Zingaburger your tool worked perfect :)

Funny seeing that they removed that 'wierd grandient images' on the right and bottom of the icons that wee always deleted ;)

And sysconf icons are now in the topmenu along with some other new ones.  

Making some 3.52 and 3.60 versions of all sony themes now :D

Zinga and bstronga... BIG PROPS MY FRIENDS!!!!

Using RcoEdit to extract all and replace all didnt import the images for many icons.  But using the upgraderco batches/rcotool those problem icons went through no problem!

:D  now i have sony 3.71 themes on my 3.52 and 3.60 :D


Oh and there is a background.png file that comes up from rcotool -A each file, but photoshop/paint/preview won't open it.  :-/

They renamed the tex_podcast to tex_cnf_podcast
They renamed the tex_premo to tex_cnf_premo
They renamed the tex_lftv to tex_cnf_lftv
So batch scripts don't work on those files at this time..but that will be updated after i get home tonight  ;)  

I have to go out for family functions today.
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