Endless Paradigm

Full Version: HELP! URGENT, i think i bricked!
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Yo Ben,  I'm gonna throw my 10 cents in here...  I' try the pandora thingy bro.
Seriously, Uncertain God seems to be a bit of a pessimist on the subject, but IMO you've got nothing to lose.
Get your mum to cancel the cheque, try the battery fix, and if the ID stuff is still stuffed, then stuff it (lol!), you'll be no worse off than you are now!
If Sony complain that the cheque was stopped, then apologize and send them another one (if you must :(!)
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:Uncertain God seems to be a bit of a pessimist on the subject

You should really learn to read, I've never experienced ID Storage problems, or ANY issues with PANDORA, and I'm now on 11 successful unbricks and 7 3.51/3.52 downgrades for people. I'm just stating what other people have said repeatedly that they have had issues. As I have said before I think these people should stop stealing oxygen from people who deserve to live.

Once again, learn to read.
well I agree with crazy english.
cR@Zy!NgLi$h Wrote:Yo Ben,  I'm gonna throw my 10 cents in here...  I' try the pandora thingy bro.
Seriously, Uncertain God seems to be a bit of a pessimist on the subject, but IMO you've got nothing to lose.
Get your mum to cancel the cheque, try the battery fix, and if the ID stuff is still stuffed, then stuff it (lol!), you'll be no worse off than you are now!
If Sony complain that the cheque was stopped, then apologize and send them another one (if you must :(!)

ok thanks for your 10 cents :D
UncertainGod Wrote:I'm just stating what other people have said

Ben seems to have a problem with his friends PSP. Yes?
He's looking to his EP friends for constructive advice. Yes?
If you've successfully un-bricked 11 PSP's and downgraded 7 more in addition to that, then why tell him about problems that you've heard about from other people?  
If you'd said to him in the first place "I've un-bricked 11 PSP's using the battery" then he'd have no concerns whatsoever in trying it. Yes?
I really wasn't trying to offend you, U-God - Maybe "pessimist" wasn't the word I was looking for, so I'm sorry if my using it did?

p.s. Thanks Diego :)
Of course.
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