Endless Paradigm

Full Version: well im not a fan of theme previews per se...
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I've seen numerous attempts at recreating the altimit desktop from .hack series of games for psp as a theme
but all of them so far I've found are more or less ...well, in accurate.

figured i'd share this since it took some serious ninja efforts to make paf.prx do what i want.
disregard all the garbage and random icons on the screen, this is in early development.

[Image: XMB_0025.png]

[Image: XMB_0027.png]

[Image: XMB_0032.png]

[Image: XMB_0033.png]

[Image: XMB_0034.png]

the whole interface pretty much consists of paf.prx and system_plugin_bg.rco so far
i made the "HUD" persistent so that it allows wallpaper to be  changed without it dissappearing,
also nuked the "normal" vawe and implemented a custom one to replace it, the same wave appears in all modes now (normal/classic/cookies/wallpaper.) both altimit MINE and altimit CLASSIC wallpapers are also embedded in system_plugin_bg.rco, so there's no need for extra clutter :P

icon selector ring is semi transparent and shows the wallpaper and wave behind it.
the main icons also do a "sort of" circular movement (they move upwards to the side) that's about the best i can do with my current skillset. Im not sure if an actual circular path can be made by toying with Z axis and 3d effects, that's hardly my area of expertise.

in any case, here wee go a base of altimit desk. Not sure I'll ever finish it since it took days already to do paf.prx alone.

- Mugi
The heart at the end is what makes it.
Cirehpsa Wrote: [ -> ]The heart at the end is what makes it.

Also, that theme is looking pretty sexy so far.

I'll be posting the paf.prx and system_plugin_bg.rco after a little further tweaking if i don't finish this.

i'd love to see a full altimit theme but this thing is just tedious :/
looks good so far.
please make this for 5.00 , too......
(and i make not a update,thanks for respect)
Wow, looks good. I'm hoping for it.
well, i did say that i might or might not finish the altimit MINE, so I'm just putting it on ice for now.
it's way too tedious for my tastes at the moment, assuming i want to make it accurate, which i do.

instead im focusing my efforts on something i do intend to finish; an actually accurate build of old Altimit.
I've seen one or two themes based on the old altimit and none of them has vertically moving icons and are more or less inaccurate here or there.

may i give you ALTIMIT 1.0 :)

left = real altimit screenshots. / right = testbuild of my psp port of it :P

[Image: first_test.png]

- Mugi
it's building out slow, but good at that :)

i finished the sounds now and been making materials for animations (the orb of the wallpaper)
as of static material, the orb, the altimit logo and the black frame will be persistent allowing wallpaper to be changed under it.
there will be no wave. There are full menu sounds (copied from the game disk, so yes, authentic.)

currently trying to figure out how to build a vertically moving menu bar and whether it's possible to make so that it works properly,
also considering animating the main icons. (that's after i find a good source for the icons to begin with x.x)

tl;dr: it's coming along, im loving it so far.

- Mugi
orb now animated (24 frames)
altimit logo and orb are persistent.
main icons nuked until i find suitable graphics to work with.
i love this theme already :3

[Image: Frame_orb.png]
(that's an animated png for those who can't see it :P)

[Image: screen_0000.png]

[Image: screen_0001.png]

[Image: screen_0002.png]

does anyone know if it's possible to make text shadows white or some other color than black ?
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