23/04/2013, 07:12 AM
23/04/2013, 02:41 PM
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]....i give up >.<No

Quote:this POS isn't playing fair, too many values affect too many things at once.
fix something == break something else
What do you mean? if your working on VSHMAIN.prx you also need to tweak on TOPMENU_PLUGIN.rco to position the icons
try this one it will position "i use this to re-position my icons" just change the poX="?" posY="?" (you already probably know that how to position)
24/04/2013, 08:46 AM
i mean that the amount of things moved around is just too large, and it's at the point now that when i move pretty much anything, something else moves along with it (like moving photo browser folders moves the text and stuff in music player or options or whatever) im just too tired to dig up another 100 new prx offsets to get everything fixed, it's getting impossible to manage now...
I'll pack the files for someone else to toy with later on, the theme is usable but looks messed up from quite a few places.
Too bad, i really wanted to finish this one :/
I'll pack the files for someone else to toy with later on, the theme is usable but looks messed up from quite a few places.
Too bad, i really wanted to finish this one :/
07/05/2013, 01:49 PM
as per promised, here's what i did so far.
feel free to poke around, let me know if you finish it :)
it's a 17megs rar and contains all the rco's + prx's i modified along with variosu sourcematerials used for the theme.
it's a mess but figured it's just easier to upload the whole thing since i don't even remember what i did to what to begin with...
you'll need my bookmarks in order to see what was modified on some prx's as i have dug out roughly 50 values unlisted in the stock CTFTOOLGUI pack distributed around here.
on a side note: it's recommended that you do not try to modify the opening_plugin.rco
it took some severe ninja efforts to have it load the amount of data it does now, but the rco itself is rather unstable by nature.
if unpacked it's likely that it stops working alltogether.
the text size values are not identified since i got lazy, but changing the ones listed here will resize majorily of the whole xmb allover, it's good for consistency when making
themes with modified text sizes.
feel free to poke around, let me know if you finish it :)
it's a 17megs rar and contains all the rco's + prx's i modified along with variosu sourcematerials used for the theme.
it's a mess but figured it's just easier to upload the whole thing since i don't even remember what i did to what to begin with...
you'll need my bookmarks in order to see what was modified on some prx's as i have dug out roughly 50 values unlisted in the stock CTFTOOLGUI pack distributed around here.
on a side note: it's recommended that you do not try to modify the opening_plugin.rco
it took some severe ninja efforts to have it load the amount of data it does now, but the rco itself is rather unstable by nature.
if unpacked it's likely that it stops working alltogether.
sysconf_plugin.prx 660 Wrote:0xB0=Widtht of left side of text on Line in settings 214
0x48=Text size of something 7.605
0x4C=Text size of something 7.605
0x5C=Text size of something 7.605
0x108=Text size of something 7.605
0x39C=Text size of something 7.605
0x40C=Text size of something 7.605
0x74C=Text size of something 7.605
paf.prx 660 FULL FILE, donbt remember everything i changed/added :P Wrote:0x1A4=0 = black screen with buggy wave 1
0x1A8=0 = black screen 1
0x1AC=0 = black screen 1
0x1C8=0 = black screen 1
0x1D0=0 = black screen 1
0x1D4=0 = black screen 1
0x21C=Turns main text black and breaks main icons until you exit submenu, then icons work and maintext vanishes 1
0x280=Alpha of Main icons 1
0x204=Makes main icons and text vanish until you exit submenu 1
0x318=Main Text Color Alpha (0 = black main text, settings, extras photo, video etc...) 1
0x1874=Font Shadow Y -2.5
0x187C=Font Shadow Alpha 0.45
0x1888=Font Shadow X 2
0x1134=Space Between Main icons X 80
0x1130=Space between Focused and Unfocused MainIcons 5
0x112C=Scroll Speed Left 200
0x1128=Scroll Speed Right 200
0x10A4=Alpha of Color of All Menu Text (0=black) 1
0x1040=Scroll Speed Up 200
0x103C=Scroll Speed Down 200
0x1038=Space Between Games Above Selected 65
0x1034=Space Between System Subicons Y 65
0x1030=Space Between main and subicons above selected 60
0x102C=Space Between Settings Configurations Options above selected 45
0x1024=Space Between Photo Icons 54
0x101C=Space Between Music folders 43
0x100C=Space Between Video folders Vertical 54
0xFD8=Space Between Game Icons unfocused 45
0xF10=Alpha of ALL subtext 1
0xED8=Alpha of icons and text until you go into and out of submenu 1
0xED4=Alpha of icons and text until you go into and out of submenu 1
0xEC4=Alpha Color Unfocused Subicons (0 = black unfocused) 1
0xD88=Height of both waves. 1
0xD08=Set it to 222 and you've got instand Jello on the right side of the wave. 0.0222
0xD04=Makes both waves lumpy. Lumps start to get very visible around 100. 1.482832
0xD00=Moar lumpies. 3.707079
0xCFC=Speed of the right side of one of the waves? 0.0238
0xCF4=Makes one of the waves 'twitch' really fast at 100. Not sure what it does. 0.0556
0xCF0=Makes both waves 'lumpy' at higher values. 0.7288495
0xCEC=How high one of the waves bob. 1
0xCE8=Vertical speed of one of the waves 0.35
0xCE4=Shape of the other wave...again 2.5
0xCE0=Set it to 9 and one of the waves becomes jiggly jello. Sort of like the wave's 1
0xCDC=Changes shape of one the other wave. Just like 0x00000BA8 but for the other wave 5.5
0xCCC=Waviness of the other wave 5
0xCC8=Adds small bumps to one of the waves if you make it a huge number (lik 200000). 0.9
0xCC4=Speed of the other wave 0.3
0xCB8=General speed for both waves again...? The higher the value, the faster it moves 1.5
0xCB4=General speed for both waves. You can make it go backwards with this. 60
0xCB0=Brightness of one of the waves 255
0xCAC=Wavyness of one of the waves 1
0xCA8=Wavyness of one of the waves 0.0625
0xCA4=Curve/shape of the other wave 0.5
0xCA0=Y Position of one of the waves 110
0xC9C=Changes shape of one of the waves. Sort of like 00000BA4 0.9
0xC98=Height of one of the waves. 0.1
0xC90=Height of one of the waves...again. 0.5
0xC8C=Waviness of one of the waves. 1
0xC88=Y position of the other wave! 110
0xC84=Waviness as the waves move right for one wave 0.9
0xC80=# of waves on wave 0.1
0xC68=brown color for wave 255
0xC60=Alpha of lower wave 1
0xC5C=Radius/blur of bottom wave edge (brings up bottom of wave around 2000) 90
0xC50=Lower values make bottom wave brighter 255
0xC44=Alpha of top wave 255
0xC40=wave color? 255
0xC38=radius/blur of top wave 90
0xC34=different blur/radius of top wave? 255
0xC28=stretch left -240
0xC24=stretch right 240
0xC20=stretch down -136
0xC1C=stretch up 136
0xB80=System_plugin y size focus icon 40
0xB70=System_plugin x size focus icon 40
0xB18=Text Size (Second Line) 6.43
0xB14=Text size above line 1st 8.19
0xAB0=Text Size Options 6.43
0xA28=background slideshow frames 56
0x754=X position of Submenu text in Settings 38
0x750=Line X Size 327
0x748=Shadow Line Y Size 16
0x73C=Text Position Y System SubSub menu -11
0x738=Shadow Line Position -2
0x72C=Space Under Tex_Line aka move free space down 5
0x718=Text Position Y All Submenu Text -1
0x70C=Text Position X Right Side of System Settings Spaced from Sysconf Icon 250
0x6E8=Text Position Y Settings Options -11
0x6DC=X position of Submenu text in Extras 38
0x6D0=Text Position X RSS Feeds 54
0x6C8=Text Position X Photos and Videos 42
0x6B8=Text Position X Game Title 81
0x6B0=Text Position X Left Side of Settings 21
0x6A8=Text Position X Internet Radio 53
0x6A0=Text Position X Internet Search 42
0x52C=Focus Max Glow 1
0x450=Focus Min Glow -1
0x2C4=Text Size Main Icon 6.43
0x2C0=Text Position Y Main Text 33
0x248=Alpha Main Unfocused Icon 0.7
0x224=Size of Unfocused Main Icons 0.78
0x19C=Alpha ENTIRE XMB (0 = Black screen) 1
0x68=Alpha ALL Text Everywhere 1
0x6D4=X position of all Submenu text 30
0x220=Size of unselected category icon 1
0x24C=Contrast of unselected category icon 1
0x25C=Alpha of MAIN text 1
0x414=Y position of shadow of icon without category -3
0x418=X position of shadow of icon without category 3
0x518=Alpha of unselected sub-menu text in 'Settings' 0.45
0x528=Alpha of all unselected icon without category 1
0x52C=Alpha of line 1
0x53C=Alpha of selected sub-menu icon without focus 1
0x590=Speed of focus 600
0x5A0=Alpha of text in setting menu after select 1
0x61C=Y position of track number's shadow in 'Music' -3
0x620=X position of track number's shadow in 'Music' 3
0x630=Size of icon and text without category 1
0x63C=Alpha of icon body without category 1
0x6F4=Y position of text on line 4
0x710=Y position of text right side of setting menu 4
0x730=X position of ALL MENU TEXT !!!! 1
0xA3C=Y position of shadow(frame of slideshow thumbnail) -2
0xB04=Size of sub-menu icon without 'Settings' 1
0xB38=Size of line 4
0xEF8=Alpha of unselected sub-menu icon after select to sub-menu 0.5
0x1004=Space of selected and below unselected item in 'Video' 13
0x1008=Space of selected and above unselected item in 'Video' 13
0x1018=Space of selected and unselected item in 'Music' 17
0x1020=Space of selected and unselected item in 'Photo' 13
0x1028=Space of selected and unselected item in 'Settings' 10
0x6AC=Length of line in setting menu 324
0x6B4=Length of line in savedata management 302
0x6C4=Length of line in 'Photo' and 'Video' 287
0x9E0=Length of line in 'Music'
0x1010=Y space of something maybe
0x6D8=length of line somewhere ????? 336
0xF04=Alpha of ALL subtext only (no icons) 1
0xEFC=Alpha of ALL subtext and icons (everything but main categories) 1
0xEC0=Alpha Color of Unfocused Subtext 1
0xEBC=Alpha Color of MAIN CATEGORY TEXT after you go to submenu 1
0xEE0=Alpha of color of focused subtext until you go in to submenu 1
0x1044=Alpha Color of text under line and settings right side above line 1
0x1054=Alpha of text under line and focused text on right side of settings 1
0x10FC=Alpha color of Main Text/little arrow and main icons 1
0x1108=Alpha of Main Text after you go in and out of submenu 1
0x1724=Alpha of foregroiund objects (clock / sub/subsub menu text and items) 1
0x1730=Alpha of all submenu items until you move in menu 1
0x1740=Alpha of Wallpaper 1
0x1744=changing this to 0 completely fudges up XMB position when you enter submenu 1
0x1748=ZOOM VALUE OF XMB again 1
0x1768=Alpha of everything except main icons and text 1
0x176C=Alpha of all content (main / sub icons & text / game icon (not pic0/pic1)) 1
0x1770=Alpha of everything except clock + zoom of xmb content except clock 1 (0 = black screen)
0x1778=setting this to 0 draws menus ontop of each other and fudges up alpha of everything 1
0x1774=setting this to 0 draws menus ontop of each other and fudges up alpha of everything 1.0001
0x1790=set to 0 and it disables systemsounds / generates default wave even without it's model present and bricks the psp 1
0x1798=Set to 0 to brick. 1
0x17E4=0 = brick (again) 1
0x1828=Alpha of all text everywhere 1
0x1854=Alpha of main text, clock and infoscreen text 1
0x185C=Alpha of all submenu text except SCROLLING text under line in settings. 1
0x1868=Alpha of all text everywhere again 1
0x1870=something to do with the little icons of infobar (the button icons turn into grey boxes when 0) 1
0x1884="options" popup text AND font shadow alpha 1
0x18B0=Alpha of all text everywhere again 1
0x18DC=Clock Shadow alpha 1
0x18F0=Alpha R or G or B of all text everywhere 1 (set to 0 turns text gradiently transparent from down to up) 1
0x18F4=Alpha R or G or B of all text everywhere 1 (set to 0 turns text gradiently transparent from up to down) 1
0x16F4=ZOOM VALUE OF XMB (0.5 = small XMB at middle of screen / 0 = black screen) 1
0xA98=Width of scrolling text under line 324
0xEA0=Text size of something 7.605
0x1238=Text size of something 7.605
0x14A0=Text size of something 7.605
0x1530=Text size of something 7.605
0x1584=Text size of something 7.605
0x1598=Text size of something 7.605
0x159C=Text size of something 7.605
0x1604=Text size of something 7.02
0x1698=Text size of something 7.605
0x169C=Text size of something 7.605
0x16AC=Text size of something 7.605
0x16B0=Text size of something 7.605
impose_plugin.prx 660 Wrote:0x3C=Volume bar Y size [default: 20]
common_gui.prx 660 Wrote:0x1F4=Text size of something 7.605
the text size values are not identified since i got lazy, but changing the ones listed here will resize majorily of the whole xmb allover, it's good for consistency when making
themes with modified text sizes.
08/05/2013, 11:52 AM
Sexy :3c