Endless Paradigm

Full Version: well im not a fan of theme previews per se...
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mugi Wrote: [ -> ]orb now animated (24 frames)
altimit logo and orb are persistent.
main icons nuked until i find suitable graphics to work with.
i love this theme already :3

[Image: Frame_orb.png]
(that's an animated png for those who can't see it :P)

[Image: screen_0000.png]

[Image: screen_0001.png]

[Image: screen_0002.png]

does anyone know if it's possible to make text shadows white or some other color than black ?

have you a psd file?

[Image: zpmbuk23.png]
psd file for what ?

i don't even use photoshop x.x
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]psd file for what ?

i don't even use photoshop x.x

right you have the standard flat
press the level you want to do with the shadow twice
just style opens
cast shadow click
Now you can choose from the color blending
hope the translation is ok
i know how to do that to images yes, but i was talking about hte font here.
the shadow color settings are propably inside paf.prx, so was asking if anyone knows the values :P
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]i know how to do that to images yes, but i was talking about hte font here.
the shadow color settings are propably inside paf.prx, so was asking if anyone knows the values :P
I don't know what font shadow color your talking about but is it the actual font itself like this one
[Image: Snap01_zps6d3887b3.png]
if so that can be found in VSHMAIN.prx
Edit: you need an app for 6.39/6.60 ill upload it today
or is the actual shadow of the font, not so sure but i believe it's in .rco file's

PAF.prx can only hack black color on font by changing the value to 0
i mean the actual shadow of the font, not the font itself.
i know it can be altered from the rco's, well for everything aside main icons as far as i know.
I've yet to figure out how to do that for the main text since the maintext is only presented as an xList instead of text strings it behaves a little different :/
Thought it was part of the font itself actually.
well, i need to examine it on a later time...
been burning a lot of time working on the main icons now, and managed to finish the bootscreen too, even though this boot took blood and tears before it finally worked.
i really REALLY hate this module. It's a complete asshat to work with with it's silly limitations of everything...

bootsounds will get replaced later, and the "triangles" are animated, they load one by one and then vanish one by one clockvise.
[Image: XMB_0023.png]

Also finished a 12 frames wide charging animation, and currently examining ways to embed a looping BGM into XMB.
more to come...

- Mugi
Holy... o.o I sadly can't do much to help you but as a great .hack// fan let me say I absolutely love what you are doing with the theme Mugi!^^ Altimit never felt so close since IceWM waaay back in Linux and that you even got the animations and bootsound is amazing :D I will definitely use this theme whenever it's done and if I can help somehow I would be happy too^^ Also I just remembered I still have a animated Altimit wallpaper on my old W910i phone though the animation wasn't as smooth there >.<
if you want to help, i am in dire need of proper source material for the main icons. (not the spoon from deviantfail)
it's impossible to even find a half decent screenshot and since the rea licons (in the game disk) are 3d models instead of graphics, im sorta fudgeed.

edit: update before i head to bed, even though the text isn't quite positioned right yet.

[Image: screen_0003.png]

[Image: screen_0004.png]
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