Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Signicture battle!
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:3 anyone?
Ok, when people delete posts, it can make everything sound weird.  I'ma remove this before NU'EST-chan thinks I was talking to her and kicks mah butt.
Well said Games. You've contributed nothing with any of your posts so far, Angel of Death, and with that post I also suggest you change your act quick.

jammz Wrote: [ -> ]Actually, Wait.
Isn't he an original member, unless he got hacked by a mexican.

Rukia changed her name again but Games was talking to Angel of Death, not.. err... NU'EST.
Yup, it's R!kku/Rukia.  Don't mess with mah girl and I won't have to mess with joo!
Back on topic, mah photoshoppin' skillz are limited, but I miss seeing these sig battles.  Someone take her up on the challenge.
I would but I lost all of them and are now floating around the internet somewhere
Oh alright if a contender is needed I volunteer I guess^^;
Sorry for my comment....
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Oh alright if a contender is needed I volunteer I guess^^;

[Image: Challengers.jpg]

Round 1, FIGHT!

Angel of Death Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry for my comment....

Forgiven.  Well, by me at any rate.  We may be pretty random around here, but we're a nice kind of random.  Just respect the hell out of the others on the forum, we'll do the same for you.
jammz Wrote: [ -> ]I would but I lost all of them and are now floating around the internet somewhere

Man you make me say "what?" too many times.

You make a signature for a battle - you don't enter one you've already made. Sigh
oh, right

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