Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Signicture battle!
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games like a grrl Wrote: [ -> ]
SkyDX Wrote: [ -> ]Oh alright if a contender is needed I volunteer I guess^^;

[Image: Challengers.jpg]

Round 1, FIGHT!

Ahaha that's funny, nice one Games Hihi but yeah first wee need to decide what this battle is about^^
o__o heh?
Well I mean wee have to decide on a topic and such, or do wee just do it freestyle? >.<
I guess it is time for me to put up a sig or 2
^That's not a sig, that's a wallpaper...
I'm in if anyone actually playing
Heartless141 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm in if anyone actually playing
hmmm sig battle eh... could be interesting Hoho im in if wee get some decent competitors...
Can wee get it started please?

If so, here's my entry:

[Image: 9rHkt.png]
Oh my... well if wee go that way I suggest wee simply do freestyle sigs^^
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