Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Signicture battle!
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Okay, I'll try and think of something to motivate me.

* Rawrsor thinks
How is my signature now???
(thanks to NU'EST)
I never got a signicture from R!kku-chan...Emptyone
Beautiful sig there NU'EST.  Love Angel Beats, despite the big ol' plot hole at the end.  Mainly because Yurippee is Haruhi in combat mode. Roar
Awww... someone's sad.

How can I cheer her up
who is sad??????
Aight, I'm  in the prgress of making a sig. At some time itll be done, depending if I can get some time alone.
Angel of Death Wrote: [ -> ]who is sad??????

No idea.  He said "him" so it can't be me or NU'EST-chan.  You or Rawrsor feelin' blue?

Rawrsor Wrote: [ -> ]Aight, I'm  in the prgress of making a sig. At some time itll be done, depending if I can get some time alone.

Ya need some alone time with yer sig?  I'm not sure if Zingy will let you post something like that.
im feelin sorta blue, i have gone to four funerals this week :(
Awww, sorry.  
That, and ya made me lay the smack down on yer butt the other day. Don't make me do that, I hate going all Sith on people

Ya got a great sig from R!kku-chan though, and got on a great site here with people who are, well, kinda nice to each other, hope that makes yer weekend a bit better. ^_^
R!kku-chan sounds so cute...
For some reason, I'm posting a second entry.

Will work on it more after dinner. Mmmm... chicken wings...
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