Endless Paradigm

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I can't even spell "paradacawhatever".
[Image: endlessrr0.png]

Just a rough draft... anyone like the colors? :yipi:

My Photoshop skills suck, but I was probably thinking more like this:
[Image: endlessrr1gw0.png]
Ya u should add Paradigm of Randomness in the tiltle.:yipi:
BlackNinja Wrote:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%B6bius_strip
dasme Wrote:Ya u should add Paradigm of Randomness in the tiltle.:yipi:
Title?  That makes it too long... Erk

Gonna add the "Paradigm of Randomness"

But one thing, Should I use the Infinity sign (2D) or a mobius strip (3d I guess)?

Zinga, it represents infinity as well.
^^ Zing
Na, i mean below the logo. Just as ur image:)
|-Anubis-| Wrote:Ok,

Gonna add the "Paradigm of Randomness"

But one thing, Should I use the Infinity sign (2D) or a mobius strip (3d I guess)?

Zinga, it represents infinity as well.
Hmm, I think the latter - tis more random.  More people would recognize the former, but the latter looks better :) (not to mention "deeper meaning"/symbolism :P)
Thanks a lot |-Anubis-| :D

dasme Wrote:^^ Zing
Na, i mean below the logo. Just as ur image:)
Below the logo?  Won't it be in the logo?
[Image: endlessparadigmqz9.png]

ZOMG sideways blur!

I forgot about the mobius strip for some odd reason...
I'll add it now...
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