Endless Paradigm

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dasme Wrote:
Ge64 Wrote:oh........ welllll wait a minute let me try stuff then (by the way i din know that but actually i never use transparency cause it sucks balls i just copy the background color
Without transparency it will not look good on all themes :)

what if its rectangular :P
Wow, they both look good :)

What do others think?

Hmm, I'll try uploading both and give a screenshot.
You got to love the testing phase...

I like the logo/banner I made without the picture of the strip.

If someone is able to find a better pic of a mobius strip, please post a link!

I think the auto-edits are just getting silly. :(

[Image: screen1zf0.th.png]

[Image: screen2dl7.th.png]

1st one looks nice, but 2nd one's smaller Erk

What you guys think?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:1st one looks nice, but 2nd one's smaller Erk

What you guys think?

Isn't that flipped?

If I could make an unbiased opinion, I like mine better :party:
^^Sorry, yeah :)

I made Ge64's smaller, but I'll wait for more opinions :P
well i like the banner rite now, seems pretty good
michaelp Wrote:well i like the banner rite now, seems pretty good
same here :)
Changed the default theme to Slick Pro - suits the banner.

Thanks Ge64 and Anubis!  Great work guys :D
wait i made a better version :P its smaller and it has some improvements. wait a sec ill up it
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