Endless Paradigm

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ZiNg Wrote:Below the logo?  Won't it be in the logo?

Zing. Yes in the logo :)

By the way Anubis this one looks good :)
Wow, looks great - will upload after you complete it! :D  Thanks a lot!
OoOO beat me to it :P
[Image: endlessparadigmyb0.png]

Two problems with the above image:

1. I hate the mobius strip I found. Its too... pixelated. It also messes up the arrangement I think.

2. File size. Its about 5x larger than the current one.

For some odd reason when I try to save it as an 8-bit PNG, the transparency seems to screw up.

Just noticed some of the shadows/blurs were cut off... :(
png doesn't support transparency as far as I know, only GIF (maybe bmp?????)

shall i try something?
LOL, PNG does support transparency!

I can save it as a 24-bit PNG and have correct transparency

I just can't save it as an 8-bit PNG
oh........ welllll wait a minute let me try stuff then (by the way i din know that but actually i never use transparency cause it sucks balls i just copy the background color
Ge64 Wrote:oh........ welllll wait a minute let me try stuff then (by the way i din know that but actually i never use transparency cause it sucks balls i just copy the background color
Without transparency it will not look good on all themes :)
[Image: endlessparadigmzw1.png]

How about that one?
some colorless thoughts...
[Image: epcopyhc2.th.jpg]
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