Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Frost 6.37
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sal000 Wrote: [ -> ]
harelor Wrote: [ -> ]Could someone convert this to 6.60? Would be truly grateful.If
Damn you beat me to it, I was planning on converting it today but good job.Madwin
Woohoo.  Awesome.  Thanks very much.
I like this theme.. It look so neat & clean.
i really didn't think the thing would live this long and still be liked :P

and yes, the black wallpaper with the stripes i used as a base is actually from a very old organ theme (i think i used it on 3.xx something like a decade ago :P) forgot to put that in the credits.
i really like that wallpaper... it's pretty and simple enough to not mess up theme elements.
since it's like almost 7 years since i made this theme i figured it'll be about time for a reboot (maybe :P)

[Image: concept_one.png]

assuming i don't get lazy as chocolates, this one will have all the little tidbits fixed, since i lost the sources of the original frost...
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