Just click on the Rep. # and on the right side you'll see rate user, but if anything rep MUGI since it's his wonderful theme

Wow this theme is really good! and even Hatsune miku is here!
Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]Just click on the Rep. # and on the right side you'll see rate user, but if anything rep MUGI since it's his wonderful theme
ok i must be retarded cause all i see is the thumbs up and down is that it?
underneath the users avatar there's there a reputation number just click on it. then it'll take you to the users reputation report and on the top right side you'll see rate user. click on it, leave a comment an you'll rep. them
shakan09 Wrote: [ -> ]Bou-kun Wrote: [ -> ]Just click on the Rep. # and on the right side you'll see rate user, but if anything rep MUGI since it's his wonderful theme
ok i must be retarded cause all i see is the thumbs up and down is that it?
Just click the user (his/her name) then rate in his/her profile...
shakan09 Wrote: [ -> ]sweet thanks
No problem
Thanks for the theme Mugi, really appreciate it very much
Quick question: what is the text for the dayviewer plugin to work like it does it your screenshot?
here is the 638ME version,. something went wrong,. ended up editing offsets in vshmain and paf,.. but seems to work now :)
638 cxmb verrsion included thanks to lockbird777
Love the theme! I'll convert it to 5.50. Can I hear the go signal?