Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Frost 6.37
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this is what i meant.
it doesn't bother me though.... i just provided the original 6.37 version and whatever happens to it afterwards is not for me to decide :P

you're free to convert and modify it as you wish really...
just credit me from the original if you modify and redistribute it.

[Image: settingsmenu.png]
hehe,. i didn't have 637ME installed to check out your orginal,.. also i ran into some trouble trying to convert a different way,. ended up manually editing paf,. so that's whot happend i guess,..

great theme Adore
glad you like it :)
Looks awesome Yay
I would update to 6.37 just for this Adore

But I don't know how to , been out of the scene for a while Ahhyes
Help please ? Bow
download This

and then:

-- What is this?--
This is CFW work on PSP2000.
This is the 6.37 ME-6 PERMANENT for slim psp's ONLY!

--How to Install--
First, you need to install CFW or HEN(ex. 5.00M33 , 6.20TN ) in your PSP.

1. Place the EBOOT.PBP from the .rar into ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.PBP
2. Place 637.PBP official from the .rar into ms0:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE/637.PBP .
3. Run installer from xmb.
4. gongratulations, you now have 6.37 ME-6 installed permanently.

this is what i used to upgrade from 5.00 m33-6 to 6.37 directly.

one thing to note is that when you run the installer, press and hold down left trigger + triangle to disable the installer's battery check.
if you don't  do this, no matter how full battery you have, it will say you need a full battery and exits.
Thank you ! Yay
This will be my theme from now on !
mugi Wrote: [ -> ]-- What is this?--
This is CFW work on PSP2000.
This is the 6.37 ME-6 PERMANENT for slim psp's ONLY!

its not called Permanent but Full ;) hehe,. i think,..

-Permanent is patched vahmain in flash0 for HEN cfw
-Full is a flashed to flash0 cfw
heh, well, does the same thing i guess.
i haven't really been following all this ever since 5.xx firmwares :P
GEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've just tried this,,,, cool theme =)
i think people with bad sight can't see the menu though XD
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