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Full Version: 6.20PRO-B5 & 6.35 PRO-B5 Released
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DeathAngel74 Wrote: [ -> ]@Bou-kun,

Thanks, I just realized the PSN was hacked, when I read it @ p s p g e n dot com.

Yep no PSN for awhile. Also my UMD games still have problems, its like coldbird doesn't read his blog... Oh well, other then the UMD thingy its a great HEN. (6.35)
I've updated the files.

flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ][Image: snap022c.png]

6.20 PRO-B5 and 6.35 PRO-B5 by VFlame and Coldird!

[!]Fixed freeze on Patapon with Inferno
[!]Fixed version.txt with Windows LRCF
[!]Fixed USB charge
[!]Fixed crash in recovery menu (Plugin Picker)
[!]Fixed compression support with updater
[!]Fixed syscall execution, thanks to neur0n
[!]Fixed plugin load code, now ms0 and ef0 go independently
[!]Fixed crash on system version display
[!]Altered default CFW settings for noobs (PSP Go Savestate Hack)
[+]Added UMD4Homebrew Patch, thanks to ardi
[+]Added DJMAX3 Anti-CFW Patch (CFW Folder Hide)
[+]PSN PSX Games can now use custom manual files
[+]Extended KUBridge Functions and added SDK Examples

TUTORIAL FOR INSTALLING 6.20PRO-B5 PERMANENT » http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=26460

Download » http://ul.to/folder/gtkumj
Via » Blog.coldbird.eu

Did you like my thread?
So be fair and rep+me please ;).

coldbird Wrote:Dear Users - a lot of people seem to have trouble installing B5...
Wee aren't entirely sure as to why this problem occurs...
But wee have a idea why it does... and created a test-build.

If you encounter trouble while installing B5. Please try this build.
(*Also attached below as PROUPDATE.rar)

mmm im asking a long time ago... what is the diference between 6.20 pro and 6.35 pro b5?

and why i can make permanent the 6.35pro b5?
I finally figured out why the music in Ridge Racer (PSX) doesn't work with PRO.
Some PSX Games have separate music tracks, like Ridge Racer, they play fine on popsloader from fw 3.01 which you can select with the popsloader plugin enabled.

But on cfw PRO you cannot use popsloader and when you run a PSX games it used the pops from flash (current firmware). So that's why Ridge Racer music doesn't work (same for Rage Racer and probably more).

I tested this this on a Go with PRO-B5 and a Phat with Prometheus 5.50-2.

Does anyone knows if popsloader will become available for PRO?
Or is there another way to get Ridge Racer working with music tracks playing fine?
Goodmorning everyone
I would like to know how do I change the firmware of my PSP when I go on
game » memory stick and try to install the CFW 6:35 PRO-B5 I did not find anything.
can you help me??
thank you
aurypsp70 Wrote: [ -> ]Goodmorning everyone
I would like to know how do I change the firmware of my PSP when I go on
game » memory stick and try to install the CFW 6:35 PRO-B5 I did not find anything.
can you help me??
thank you

Need a bit more information. Did you put everything in the GAME folder? Also, I recommend going to 6.60 and using this.
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