Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20PRO-B5 & 6.35 PRO-B5 Released
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Im afraid of testing this new test release

Blue screen of death
I'm going to test it now. Emptyone

Tested new build.
Black screen ms light flashing...

PSP 2000 / 6.35
LuanTeles Wrote: [ -> ]Im afraid of testing this new test release

Blue screen of death

lol then hit circle and watch the blue screen of death fix itself
Thks but still black screen
LuanTeles Wrote: [ -> ]Thks but still black screen

did you disable plugins?
@flofrucht I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH 6.20PRO B5 ON A PSP PHAT(1g)... when i whent to play a game of  psx syas the following.....
             the game could not be started
______________________________________________..... please help me!!! or this is a bug of the update!???
i installed it on psp 1000 without a problem.
thanks for the info dude.
PSP Go Black Screen... Disable my plugins?
Formatted my System storage and still the black screen...
i disabled all plugins
formatted Ms
Only the updater and the recovery on Ms
and still black screen
LuanTeles Wrote: [ -> ]i disabled all plugins
formatted Ms
Only the updater and the recovery on Ms
and still black screen

I Did the same thing on my Go except the ms thing i don't have the ms but yeh i got the black screen...
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