Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 6.20PRO-B5 & 6.35 PRO-B5 Released
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my 2000 updated now prob. i uninstalled everything and loaded from ofw but none of my psx2psp games work with pro-b5 i guess im going back to before. thanks for the news though
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]
The Patriot Wrote: [ -> ]i tried it using another memory card(completely formated) but it still doesn't work!

Man this is troublesome..

Oh, well i have the same PSP model as you, and it worked without a problem.

[Image: frmbuf15.jpg]

If man i envy you and your psp.....
junKie Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]
flofrucht Wrote: [ -> ]
Vegetano1 Wrote: [ -> ]%^^TN-B5 O_o

I lol'd too ^^o_O

By the way:
Most of the users are having trouble by starting the updater or install pro-b5 » black screen.

that's bad news :(

thanks for the news flo! Madwin i am sticking with TN-E ;p

If there was a perm patch for TN-E, i would so totally be in it. Madwin

I kinda liked that too,. but now i prefer the save-way and HEN isn't very troublesome anymore,.. also TN-E is the first cfw with intergrated XMB-CFW settings :),.. whot i had always wanted,. ;p

also i would nvr try a permanent patch on my PSP-Go anyway,..
oh man comon! ..
what should wee install ??
im totally freaked out about this ..
let us have a one full single one collects all the change logs between
PRO-TN, then i surely to you it will be more than a REAL CFW 8-)

stickin to TN
Man i almost had a heart attack

I installed it on my psp 2000
and black screen and  blinking MS Light

but when i took off the battery its normal Uff
i tried to reinstall and the same problem

what can i do?
i have the same problem. it doesn't work. i have psp 2000 2g data code 8A
Why not try the new test build? http://u.115.com/file/f339f95688
if u can download from that site..........
i can't
Takeda Wrote: [ -> ]if u can download from that site..........
i can't

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