Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Ocosmos OCS-1: Oak Trail meets Windows 7 in a 5-inch gaming handheld
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Pages: 1 2 3
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]Still pretty cool, but unfortunaly, most doujin games I used to play only worked on Windows OSs that aren't Vista or 7.

Just use XP compatibility.

If that doesn't work, that XP Mode thing (but it probably can't do that.  Need a CPU with virtualization technologies).  Or just use a normal VM.

Otherwise, unless it's designed against it (eg. built in security to stop piracy), if it can run Windows 7, it can also run XP.

I think the requirement for hardware virtualization technology for XP mode in W7 was removed but it wouldn't be fast very without it.
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