Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Use Prometheus on 5.00M33-6
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yep, still Despicable Me is freezing with usbisoloader
and with MG:PW the same. i use the 6.30 version txt
But did you activate it from the recovery menu ? (version.txt I mean)
yes of course!
Currently running 5.00M33-6 Prometheus rev4
[Image: screenshot2_zpsufnxirkq.png]
and I get this message whenever trying to boot up Legend of Dragoon and many other PSN keyed EBOOTs
[Image: screenshot3_zpsujvmxg9s.png]
How on earth do I get these games to run on my 5.00M33 CFW PSP? I love everything that comes with the 5.00 CFW. Do I need to patch these titles? I already tried the version.txt change and that did NOT work.
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