I thought for stargate.prx you also had to copy a "version.txt" file to flash0.
Isn't that "m33_620.prx Beta 2" plugin based on stargate.prx ? Or are they one and the same ?
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]I thought for stargate.prx you also had to copy a "version.txt" file to flash0.
Yes. That helps!
DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]Isn't that "m33_620.prx Beta 2" plugin based on stargate.prx ? Or are they one and the same ?
m33_620.prx is Torky's, stargate.prx is liquidzigong's. Don't think they share codes.
Mandingo Wrote: [ -> ]I posted this already here.
shaqdarcy Wrote: [ -> ]I guess it's not working with Test M33 for DC8.. I really hope there's a Test Prometheus for DC8
I edited stargate.prx to load prometheus_key.txt from flash0 instead of flash1 so you can put it to ms0://TM/DC8/ and prometheus_lite.prx to ms0://TM/DC8/kd/. Don't know where flash1 is stored in test m33 mode.
You don't need to edit anything flash1 is stored in DC8 folder (ms0:/TM/DC8 in here ) and i have tested this on m33 and test m33 works great,,,, so i just flashed it in my flash0

yeah I've put the prometheus_key.txt at DC8 folder then use test m33, yes it works but when I try to play 6.20 games it crashes
EDIT: ok I've tried P3P and it worked! thanks to all of you guys all I need to do now is to convert my memory stick to magic memory stick
bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]merbiyatch Wrote: [ -> ]can anybody confirm that this works with the any of the recent 6.20 games out there on m33-6 without flaws? thanks.
another thing, if you don't want it you can just take it of normally right?
Only unpatched game that's giving me probs (by the way on all cfw's) is Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands. I tested MGS see first post and that one works (I'll test some others, but it's too hot atm) :)
If you don't want it just delete the files or disable the plugin...
so you need to patch the game first and use this plugin? to my understanding, i thought this plugin was suppose to work so that you don't have to patch the games anymore. correct me if im wrong, because i don't see the use in this if you still have to patch the game. just confused i think

merbiyatch Wrote: [ -> ]bluewave Wrote: [ -> ]merbiyatch Wrote: [ -> ]can anybody confirm that this works with the any of the recent 6.20 games out there on m33-6 without flaws? thanks.
another thing, if you don't want it you can just take it of normally right?
Only unpatched game that's giving me probs (by the way on all cfw's) is Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands. I tested MGS see first post and that one works (I'll test some others, but it's too hot atm) :)
If you don't want it just delete the files or disable the plugin...
so you need to patch the game first and use this plugin? to my understanding, i thought this plugin was suppose to work so that you don't have to patch the games anymore. correct me if im wrong, because i don't see the use in this if you still have to patch the game. just confused i think 
To be clear, with this method you can run
unpatched games which require higher firmwares then 5.00
on 5.00M33-6 
Mandingo Wrote: [ -> ]DSpider Wrote: [ -> ]I thought for stargate.prx you also had to copy a "version.txt" file to flash0.
Yes. That helps!
uhm, where do i get this version.txt? is it in the prometheus folder? or is it made from scratch? lol im sorry for the questions, this is the first time ive heard of this plugin. i just usually patch my iso's with iso tool.
so do i just put the version.txt file in the root of flash0 or in the kd forlder as well as the prometheus_lite.prx? and the prometheus_key.txt goes in the root of flash1 not in any folders right?
merbiyatch Wrote: [ -> ]so do i just put the version.txt file in the root of flash0 or in the kd forlder as well as the prometheus_lite.prx? and the prometheus_key.txt goes in the root of flash1 not in any folders right?
Use the installer ^.
version.txt goes to flash0:/vsh/etc folder and activate it in recovery menu. Don't know if this is still needed with the latest prometheus.