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Full Version: Use Prometheus on 5.00M33-6
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Quote:Just wondering if there's a flash1 file or folder in magic memory stick because I found the flash0 folders but don't know where to find the flash1 files/folder

go into your red menu on boot up
once you are in look for flash1
make sure your psp is connected and then enable the folder by pressing X
it should open the flash1 filez
then do whatever you want on you computer
I guess it's not working with Test M33 for DC8.. I really hope there's a Test Prometheus for DC8
bsanehi Wrote: [ -> ]Hey man sooo is this better then the new plugin that just came out??? here is link : http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/07/10/cust.../#comments

This plugin is actually not that new.  People just think it's new, because Greg @ -hacks just got around to posting it   ;)

Anywho -
This plugin was made by a dev named torky.
And there was actually a second beta for this plugin released. (attached for those interested)
Is there a way to get into playstation online with 5.00M33 ?
HellDX Wrote: [ -> ]Is there a way to get into playstation online with 5.00M33 ?

Yes.  A plugin called PSN Lover Beta v1.1.   You can find it here:
thanks bro
I posted this already here.

shaqdarcy Wrote: [ -> ]I guess it's not working with Test M33 for DC8.. I really hope there's a Test Prometheus for DC8

I edited stargate.prx to load prometheus_key.txt from flash0 instead of flash1 so you can put it to ms0://TM/DC8/ and prometheus_lite.prx to ms0://TM/DC8/kd/. Don't know where flash1 is stored in test m33 mode.
can anybody confirm that this works with the any of the recent 6.20 games out there on m33-6 without flaws? thanks.

another thing, if you don't want it you can just take it of normally right?
merbiyatch Wrote: [ -> ]can anybody confirm that this works with the any of the recent 6.20 games out there on m33-6 without flaws? thanks.

another thing, if you don't want it you can just take it of normally right?

Only unpatched game that's giving me probs (by the way on all cfw's) is Prince of Persia the Forgotten Sands. I tested MGS see first post and that one works (I'll test some others, but it's too hot atm) :)

If you don't want it just delete the files or disable the plugin...
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