Anyone on here want to play chess some time?
If you have an ipod/iphone, just got to dl "chess with friends free"; otherwise, wee can just play on yahoo, or any other site.
Let me know!
I used to play chess, I could try verse you sometime but eh, don't really feel like it at the moment.
Sparker Wrote: [ -> ]I used to play chess, I could try verse you sometime but eh, don't really feel like it at the moment.
Didn't mean it had to be NOW :)
Just meant wee'd have the option whenever, so I'd know you might be up for a game. I'm nearly always in the mood for it!
I used to play a long time ago, but im rather out of practise and you'd proabably trump me if wee played. I've forgot all the good tricks XD
Do I play chess? Certainly.
Do I play well, or frequently? That is most definitely a "Nope."
My skill with chess extends to knowing what all the pieces are, and the rules of the game, and some very obvious, mono-faceted plots. Tactics-wise, I couldn't play my way out of a paper bag, or to save my life.
Yes, Hellgiver is always in the mood for chess cause he plays competitively >_>
I used to play competitively, back in primary school... Not that it translates to any skills nowadays, apart from knowing how the pieces move.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, Hellgiver is always in the mood for chess cause he plays competitively >_>
Ripping people up is fun. Lol, when playing against beginners, I tend to just use some gambit opening (sacrificial opening where you trade pawns/stuff for positional advantage), leading to "you suck", then proceed to rip the poo poo out of them.
Not as fun when you're the one getting ripped though.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I used to play competitively, back in primary school... Not that it translates to any skills nowadays, apart from knowing how the pieces move.
I used to play competively, in highschool... Stopped in yr11. Forgot most of my theory, probably.
But even if wee rewind back all these years to when I was still playing competively, he'll probably still beat me, judging by his higher ratings (if I remember correctly from that other thread).
Silvertie Wrote: [ -> ]Do I play well, or frequently? That is most definitely a "Nope."
My skill with chess extends to knowing what all the pieces are, and the rules of the game, and some very obvious, mono-faceted plots. Tactics-wise, I couldn't play my way out of a paper bag, or to save my life.
yeah that ↑
oooh can wee watch your game with hecai ?

boogschd Wrote: [ -> ]oooh can wee watch your game with hecai ? 
If you mean Hellgiver, go ahead.
If you mean me, I can't play now, almost 1am, and I don't have skype either.