Endless Paradigm

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so who won ? :D
Wee're still playing. :P
Heca has been owning me like crazy tonight XD

He is 4-0 so far.  I can only edge him out when wee play week long games lol
[Image: 2v2uy6q.jpg]

end of game 5
90 min each.
white: hecaitomix
black: hellgiver
black to move, black resigned. go figure.
B and 2 passed pawns vs R is a win pretty much every time for the B and pawns.

I suppose I could have drawn it out more, but you'd have to blunder pretty bad to let me win. In that case, I would not have accepted it. You earned the win.
hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 2v2uy6q.jpg]

end of game 5
90 min each.
white: hecaitomix
black: hellgiver
black to move, black resigned. go figure.

Just one of many paths white can take...

1. ..., RxR
2. c6, Rb4+
3. Ke5, Rc4 (or Rxh4, whatever)
4. Kd6, ...

Black sacs rook on c pawn, white wins race.  If black keeps rook, white just pushes d pawn down as well.

Impossible for black to win, unless white plays like a retard.

EDIT: if black goes

2. ..., Kg7
3. Ke5, Kf8
4. Kd6, ...

still lost.
[Game 1]
[White "hecaitomix@chesscube.com"]
[Black "hellgiver@chesscube.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Time "10:00"]
[TimeControl "10 min"]
1. Nf3  Nc6 2. e4  e5 3. Bb5  a6 4. Ba4  d6 5. Nc3  Nf6 6. d4  b5 7. dxe5  Nxe5 8. Nxe5  dxe5 9. Qxd8+  Kxd8 10. Bb3  Bb7 11. Bg5  Ke7 12. f4  h6 13. Bh4  exf4 14. e5  g5 15. exf6+  Kxf6 16. Bf2  Bxg2 17. Bd4+   1-0

[Game 2]
[White "hellgiver@chesscube.com"]
[Black "hecaitomix@chesscube.com"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Time "10:00"]
[TimeControl "10 min"]
1. e4  e5 2. f4  exf4 3. Nf3  d5 4. exd5  Nf6 5. c4  c6 6. Qa4  Bd6 7. Nc3  O-O 8. Be2  cxd5 9. cxd5  Na6 10. d4  Nc7 11. O-O  Ncxd5 12. Bc4  Nb6 13. Qb3  Nxc4 14. Qxc4  Be6 15. d5  Nxd5 16. Nxd5  Rc8 17. Qe4  Bxd5  0-1

[Game 3]
[White "hellgiver@chesscube.com"]
[Black "hecaitomix@chesscube.com"]
[Result "0-1"]
[Time "20:00"]
[TimeControl "20 min"]
1. e4  e5 2. Nf3  Nc6 3. Bc4  Nf6 4. Nc3  Nxe4 5. O-O  Nf6 6. Re1  Be7 7. Nxe5  Nxe5 8. Rxe5  c6 9. d4  d5 10. Bd3  O-O 11. Bg5  h6 12. Bh4  Re8 13. Qd2  Be6 14. Re2  Qc7 15. Rae1  Rac8 16. h3  Rcd8 17. Bg3  Bd6 18. Be5  Bxe5 19. Rxe5  Qd6 20. Na4  b6 21. a3  c5 22. Nc3  c4 23. Be2  Nd7 24. Re3  Nf6 25. Bf3  Rb8 26. Nb5  Qd7 27. a4  a6 28. Nc3  Qd6 29. Re5  Nd7 30. R5e2  Nf6 31. h4  b5 32. axb5  axb5 33. h5  Red8 34. Ra1  before 35. Na4  Ra8 36. Ree1  Nd7 37. Qe3  Rdc8 38. b3  Ra5 39. bxc4  Rxc4 40. Nc5  Rxa1 41. Rxa1  Nxc5 42. Ra8+  Kh7 43. dxc5  Qxc5 44. Qd3+  f5 45. Bd1  Qc7 46. g3  Qb7 47. Rf8  Qe7 48. Rb8  Qa7 49. Re8  Rc3 50. Qe2  Bd7  0-1

[Game 4]
[White "hecaitomix@chesscube.com"]
[Black "hellgiver@chesscube.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Time "20:00"]
[TimeControl "20 min"]
1. Nf3  Nc6 2. c4  e6 3. Nc3  Nf6 4. e4  Bb4 5. e5  Ng4 6. d4  d6 7. h3  Nh6 8. Bg5  Qd7 9. Bxh6  gxh6 10. Qc2  Bxc3+ 11. Qxc3  Rg8 12. O-O-O  b6 13. Nd2  dxe5 14. Ne4  Rg6 15. dxe5  Qe7 16. Nf6+  Kf8 17. Bd3  Rxg2 18. Be4  Rxf2 19. Nxh7+  Ke8 20. Bxc6+  Bd7 21. Rhg1  Qg5+ 22. Rxg5  Bxc6 23. Rg8+  Ke7 24. Qb4#   1-0

[Game 5]
[White "hecaitomix@chesscube.com"]
[Black "hellgiver@chesscube.com"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Time "1:30:00"]
[TimeControl "1½ hours + 30"]
1. e4  c5 2. Nf3  d6 3. Nc3  e5 4. Bc4  Nc6 5. d3  Be7 6. O-O  Nf6 7. Bg5  O-O 8. Bxf6  Bxf6 9. Nd5  Bg4 10. h3  Be6 11. Qd2  Rb8 12. Rfe1  Nd4 13. Nxd4  cxd4 14. a4  Kh8 15. a5  Bg5 16. Qb4  f5 17. c3  fxe4 18. Rxe4  dxc3 19. bxc3  Qd7 20. Re2  Rbc8 21. Rb1  Bd8 22. Qxb7  Qxb7 23. Rxb7  Bxd5 24. Bxd5  Bxa5 25. c4  Bb6 26. Ra2  Bc5 27. Re7  Rb8 28. Rd7  Rfd8 29. Rc7  Bd4 30. g3  Rb3 31. Be4  Rdb8 32. Kg2  g6 33. Rf7  R3b4 34. Ra6  Bb6 35. h4  Kg8 36. Bd5  Kh8 37. Kh3  Rb2 38. Kg4  Rd2 39. Kg5  Bxf2 40. Rxd6  Be3+ 41. Kg4  Rf2 42. Rc7  Bb6 43. Rcc6  Rff8 44. c5  Ba5 45. Re6  Rbd8 46. Bc4  Rfe8 47. Ra6  Rxe6 48. Bxe6  Be1 49. Kf3  e4+ 50. Kxe4  Bxg3 51. d4  Re8 52. d5  Bb8 53. Ra2  Kg7 54. Rb2  Kh6 55. Rxb8   1-0

for those interested, witness our own idea of fun lol.
lol, I know how to play chess, but I severely suck at it.

that can't be right :p
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