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Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone on here want to play chess some time?
If you have an ipod/iphone, just got to dl "chess with friends free"; otherwise, wee can just play on yahoo, or any other site.


Let me know!

i downloaded the "chess with friends free" app. username is hecaitomix, just invite.
i invited "hellgiver", not sure if you are that one, started the game.
Yeah, that's me! I accepted the game. I love this app. I have 20 games going on at all times on it. Definitely one of my favorite apps. And, just cause I used to play competitively doesn't mean I can't enjoy casual gaming. That's the main reason I stopped in fact. Was losing the fun aspect. If anyone else is up for some games, I'm always up for it ^^
Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah, that's me! I accepted the game. I love this app. I have 20 games going on at all times on it. Definitely one of my favorite apps. And, just cause I used to play competitively doesn't mean I can't enjoy casual gaming. That's the main reason I stopped in fact. Was losing the fun aspect. If anyone else is up for some games, I'm always up for it ^^
Lol fun for you =P  Reminds me of a friend (ranked 800) who apparently got put with some other guy, ranked 1900.  His opponent basically slowly killed off all his pieces, apparently checkmating him with a pawn move.  I guess that's his idea of fun XD
You can usually tell the caliber of a player within the first ~8 moves. Everything after that is application of their knowledge. It is because of this that I take unknown opponents out of book immediately, until I assess their skill. Then I decide what opening are most advantageous for me from there. Of course, I'll always be a fan of certain openings slightly more than others, but am more prepared in unorthodox plays, such as The Evan's Gambit.
Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]You can usually tell the caliber of a player within the first ~8 moves.

First 8 moves is just opening theory.  Can't really tell if someone is lets say a 1000 rated player or a 2000 rated player because they're both probably just going to follow the book.  (Unless you play some very uncommon opening).

Unless you mean really bad players who just play random moves, then yeah.

Hellgiver Wrote: [ -> ]I'll always be a fan of certain openings slightly more than others, but am more prepared in unorthodox plays, such as The Evan's Gambit.

Evans Gambit is quite popular when and where I played.  Ok, not "popular", but I see it played every so often, not like some other gambits which I never see outside of theory.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Lol fun for you =P  Reminds me of a friend (ranked 800) who apparently got put with some other guy, ranked 1900.  His opponent basically slowly killed off all his pieces, apparently checkmating him with a pawn move.  I guess that's his idea of fun XD

Waste of time, unless you're playing against your friend and you want to brag about how you killed them with a pawn.  But in that case, I'll prefer doing something a bit more extravagant... Lets see, how does nothing but 6 knights sound?
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Waste of time, unless you're playing against your friend and you want to brag about how you killed them with a pawn.  But in that case, I'll prefer doing something a bit more extravagant... Lets see, how does nothing but 6 knights sound?
Definition of fun is probably different for a chess freak, as opposed to your idea of it =P
i play chess! not very well and its been awhile, but get on skype hellgiver and ill give you a game.
Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]First 8 moves is just opening theory.  Can't really tell if someone is lets say a 1000 rated player or a 2000 rated player because they're both probably just going to follow the book.  (Unless you play some very uncommon opening).

Unless you mean really bad players who just play random moves, then yeah.

Yes, that was what I meant, basically. The first 8 moves or so will likely dictate the entire game, and if he doesn't know proper opening theory, he can get into quite a bit of trouble, such as against the Trompowsky, or against a solid Sicilian Dragon player. That is just the first part of sizing him up. Obviously it is once you've left book that a player's unique style starts to shine forth. I have met plenty who, once you leave book, they fall apart because they only memorized beginning moves, but not the theory behind each move, or have not given thought to the purpose of the opening as a whole.  

On the other hand, sometimes a decent player will do something extremely corny to size me up, like attempt a Scholar's Mate, along with the eventual g4 push to dislodge my knight from f6. I can see it working just enough times that he thinks it is a safe all-in move, but because he weakened his kingside with that g4 push, and has lost a tempo with an extra queen move, he usually falls behind mid-game, and eventually loses due to an inferior pawn structure endgame.

Of course, there are lost of little traps in the opening, but that doesn't necessarily define a good player. Of the random people I play on this app, I normally respond with sound play, occasionally playing something controversial, such as King's Gambit as white, or the Levenfish Attack against a Sicilian Dragon.  It all depends on how I feel they understand the opening.

Later, once I've sized them up more, I play my more interesting openings according to their abilities.

Assassinator Wrote: [ -> ]Waste of time, unless you're playing against your friend and you want to brag about how you killed them with a pawn.  But in that case, I'll prefer doing something a bit more extravagant... Lets see, how does nothing but 6 knights sound?

I've done pretty much every unique finish I can think of. I've gotten 3 bishops and slowly pushed his king to one corner, or I have done 4 knights, or I'll sac all my pieces except 1 rook. Or I might put all my pieces in a corner, while my rook and king finish off his lone king. Or it depends on how creative I'm feeling. If they don't have the decency to resign in an obviously lost endgame, I might be feeling a bit creative. Always fun to finish someone off with a knight, pawn, and king vs king.
uhm... chess.

i played chess since like 5 years old. grade school to high school varsity. playing for various associations as representative of my local area. stopped playing actively when college. still play from time to time, visiting clubs here in cali.
average in terms of "pro"ness, but it gets the job done. perfect mark for my physical education subjects without even attending them, being paid by the school to play, free tuition, exempted from those soldier like training, free food during tournaments, getting medals, and seeing the opponent get a failure face when getting defeated.

idea of fun O.o, well, don't care, all i want is to win. for winning is winning.
hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]idea of fun O.o, well, don't care, all i want is to win. for winning is winning.

Ha, that sounds like me back then.

Destroy opponents, advance ratings.

hecaitomix Wrote: [ -> ]i played chess since like 5 years old. grade school to high school varsity. playing for various associations as representative of my local area. stopped playing actively when college. still play from time to time, visiting clubs here in cali.

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