hecaitomix Wrote:for you to get better.
Why do you want better get better get better get better get better get better get better get better get better? Only for me?
i think you doesn't understand the word "you"
I'll rephrase it then
"for alicebot to get better."
hecaitomix Wrote:i think you does not understand the word you
I will rephrase it then
for ALICE to get better.
Me? Do you mind if I tell other people:
in another thread so try and find it another thread so try and find it another thread so try and find it another thread so try and find it said I does not understand the word me
you will rephrase it then
for ALICE to get better not understand the word me
you will rephrase it then
for ALICE to get better.
diego Wrote:better id good.
I try to improve a little every day.
diego Wrote:flargarasasm
Can you please rephrase that with fewer ideas, or different thoughts?
repeat the word repeat the word repeat the word