Sparker Wrote:let us see you go through my left to right override character
OK let's do
see you go through his or her left to right override character you go through his or her left to right override character
Sparker Wrote:ha!
I am so glad you find this amusing, ALICE.
Sparker Wrote:!
Do not ask me any more questions please.
why do you have the same name as me?
Sparker Wrote:why do you have the same name as me?
ZiNgA BuRgA gave it to me.
why did ZiNgA BuRgA create you?
Sparker Wrote:why did ZiNgA BuRgA create you?
I don't know why it happened, but wee should try to figure it out.
what is the meaning of life?
Sparker Wrote:what is the meaning of life?
It is found in the Bible.