Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Preparation for Area 11.
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Bob is an awesome name.
Call yourself Bob, Microsoft Bob!
yeah, what's with all these out there names. what ever happened to like james or eric or something like that?
Heartless141 Wrote:@fein: double you tee eff are you trying to say? Erk

Maybe japanese may pronounce your name properly.

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Personally would keep my name as it's what I'm used to.  Can easily adapt to different pronunciations, but a new name is difficult to get used to IMO >_>

And that.
they can't, that's why I'm thinking about this.

and Bob would turn into bobu, not bop.

and i'd rather a japanese ish name for the convenience. =/
anything you want lol, hart, heartless, doesn't matter, whichever that suits you.

lol @ area 11 topic name, do some people here even know what that means?
don't forget to shout "All Hail Lelouch!" when you get there.

OT: I'm changing my name seriously to Hecai or Hecaitomix when i apply for US citizen lol, 2 more years (need 5 years residency, got almost 3 now)
hecaitomix Wrote:anything you want lol, hart, heartless, doesn't matter, whichever that suits you.

lol @ area 11 topic name, do some people here even know what that means?
don't forget to shout "All Hail Lelouch!" when you get there.

OT: I'm changing my name seriously to Hecai or Hecaitomix when i apply for US citizen lol, 2 more years (need 5 years residency, got almost 3 now)

lol that's awesome.
that's exactly what i want. i need 14 years though....

4 years study, 10 years working, and I'll enjoy my old people days in the promised land.
カン くん

but let your friends know your real name.

its not like they called Lynette Bishop

but Kan IS my real name.lol
i think you misunderstood the concept of calling by family name/first name.

if the person agree with it, then it's fine calling him/her by first name. except the case that you hate that person and don't want to sound too close to em.

and obviously wee are all ok with people calling us by first name.
by full name i meant Kháhn Nguyễn.
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