Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Preparation for Area 11.
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yeah, I'm all good with just Kan. (got used to it for five years already). but kansan sounds really weird. and that, i don'twant to get used to =.= can use it for close friends just call me Kan i guess. but
Hello there, nice to meet you, kansan.


I like it.,
How many of you even know the deal behind "Area 11"?
i throw "pedobear" into the name suggestion pot.
don't know about that, in japan, they take paedophile seriously. because there's a chocolateload of em.
and uhmm how to put this without any misunderstanding....
i like kids. in a non sexual way.
And I liek loli!
name yourself sephiroth lol
yeah, anime/manga one. they are seductive. unlike real kids.
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