Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ep redirection problem
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Cool thanks.
Yay! It's happening to me now. I got redirected to William Hill from the forum index. Just so you should know...
PSPkiller Wrote:Yay! It's happening to me now. I got redirected to William Hill from the forum index. Just so you should know...

Same here.
Do you have the referral URL?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Do you have the referral URL?

Not sure myself, but see if this is correct: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...#pid255523
It just happened to me and this is the url http://bingo.williamhill.com/
Thanks, reported.  By the way, do tell me if it's actually going away.  If it's not, it means I can sPa/\/\ them with complaints.
Method Wrote:It just happened to me and this is the url http://bingo.williamhill.com/
Funnybutrandom Wrote:
Method Wrote:It just happened to me and this is the url http://bingo.williamhill.com/
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