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Full Version: ep redirection problem
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trademark91 Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Anyone else getting that issue?
Only on Chrome?

wierd, right? all these errors in such a short span of time. trying out something new on the site, zinga?

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Only on Chrome?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Only on Chrome?

couldnt tell you. i only use chrome on windows
Your Windows doesn't have IE?  I thought that was included by default...
(or do you not want to try it?)

I'm guessing the redirect is probably an ads issue.  I know the ads network I use does serve something different to US traffic.

I really have no idea on your scaling issue.  In fact, the only two ways I know how to even do such a thing is a giant DIV or an Iframe.  Latter is unlikely, but for the former, screwed up stylesheet?  Try a different theme - does that fix it?
i don't know. it just now started happening. im not worried about it. the redirect seems to have left (for now) and i can fix the scaling by closing the tab and re opening  a new ep tab (just click the home button lol). its all good.
So if simply closing the tab fixes it, how does it actually occur?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:So if simply closing the tab fixes it, how does it actually occur?

i don't know. i just reported the bug... it occurs most often when i start up chrome, because ep is my default home page.
I'd have to blame Chrome for that then.  Theoretically, a browser _should_ always render the same page exactly the same.
In other words, given the same input, it should generate the same output (in most cases at least).

Yeah, sorry about that - I don't think I can actually do anything about it... >_>  Maybe set home page to about:blank?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I'd have to blame Chrome for that then.  Theoretically, a browser _should_ always render the same page exactly the same.
In other words, given the same input, it should generate the same output (in most cases at least).

Yeah, sorry about that - I don't think I can actually do anything about it... >_>  Maybe set home page to about:blank?

ehh. ill live with it. it doesn't really irritate me much, since i can fix it. just thoughtyou should be aware.
By the way, what version of Chrome?

Am also interested if other people get it.
Okay, I've re-enabled the ads again - I assume during the past few days, things were fine?
I've tried accessing this site, with AdBlock disabled, through two different US servers via SSH tunneling but I can't get a redirect.  I do have Flash "disabled" on this browser, so that may be a reason (using Firefox x64; Opera's ghey and doesn't support SOCKS proxies, IE is screwed on this machine).  If you're getting redirects, could you try the FlashBlock plugin to see if it helps?
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