Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Who can have the most randomest conversation!
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Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: sup

The following information is given in accordance
with U.S. federal laws, ยง318.12.17 F.A.C.

The person you are chatting with has an IP address
of a registered sexual offender. Please use caution
when dealing with a potentially dangerous individual
and do not give out ANY personal information.

Automated message #36821.
You: Wee have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to broadcast your self with video and audio recoding in a odd way. The local authorities in your area have been not alerted and should not contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this as a prank will be immediately posted to proper establishment. Thank you.
You: aww
Stranger: lawl
You: lol
You: nice
Stranger: oh the irony
You: yah
You: what's up?
You: lol
Stranger: not much
You: dang ill copy that
Stranger: lol
Stranger: its funny how much ppl believe mine
You: bye happy trolling dude
You: :D
Stranger: cya
Joomla12 Wrote:Wife? :3

no stupid mac user at work
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Butt slut
You: I like the night...
Stranger: For 3 dolla
Stranger: HOLLAAA
You: It allows me to rip open a sluts bloody chocolate cake and injest her unborn fetus...
Stranger: me too
Stranger: you like it in the butt huh
Stranger: not me
Stranger: i give
Stranger: don't recieve
Stranger: you like a little wanker salad
Stranger: a little salad tosser
You: I like to rip their heads off and spin them on my pocky while I use their intestines to skull fudge them.
Stranger: will you toss my salad
Stranger: i would appreciate it
Stranger: very much so
You: Depends, can I eat your corpse afterwards?
Stranger: of course ;)
Stranger: your one of those gothic emo fudges huh
You: After I mutilate it...I'll start with your organs such as your kidneys and pancreas...
You: Nope
Stranger: yeah i killed one of them in nam
Stranger: bitch wouldnt shut up
Stranger: always cryin and spoon
Stranger: made me kill him
Stranger: all emo and sad all the fudgein time
Stranger: kind of like you
You: Emos are fudgetards and gotsh have no life, so I usually ram my blade down they're throats and devour their innards.
Stranger: fudgein pathetic
You: How am I sad, sir?
Stranger: haha fudgein kill yourself

Anyone else got their mittens on? :3
biology much
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: m or f
You: f
Stranger: where you from ?
You: wouldnt you like to know :P
Stranger: :)
You: >_>
Stranger: get a life

What? You mean anatomy?

me:hey do you like anime
stranger:no it sucks donkey
me:DIE IN A FIRE!!!!
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi im GOD
Stranger: disconnect now
Stranger: no your not newfag
You: i may sent you in heaven if you not naughty
Stranger: i will beat your donkey with a stick
Stranger: PEW PEW
You: ok I'll make your cock a stick from now on
You: and when you pee some ants will piss on your pants
You: hey where are you
You: do you looking in your stick cock?
You: i will not disconnect unless your sins has not yet gone
You: so kneel before me and i will forgive you
Stranger: NO
Stranger: you kneel
Stranger: close your eyes
Stranger: get ready for a suprise
You: i have no eyelids so i can't close my eyes
You: and i have no eyes because im only a spirit typing with letters
You: and yeah see your back i got a surprise for you
You: because you torment GOD, you may serve punishment
Stranger: fine I'll just gouge them out with my pocky
Stranger: bullchocolate newfag. God doesn't type
You: but I can listen to your weary heart
Stranger: he doesn't exist.
Stranger: Go Nazis
Stranger: You lose
You: i can hear that you are troubled my son
You: you have bigger problems today that i can see in your sad face
Stranger: chocolate cake
Stranger: LIES
You: I exist
You: because im GOD
Stranger: what do you see 1!
You: Nazis and you are all equal to me, because you are all son of Heaven
Stranger: fudgekkkkkkkk yooouooouoo jeww
Stranger: i have better things to do
Stranger: lik fap
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

- and yeah he gave up on the conv, i win, lol
It's like a twisted internet version of "mercy" (dunno if other people played that when they were younger)
Person 1: Hot singles in your area - they're waiting
Person 2: Who is waiting
Person 2: Publix. Lol. If you make the u sound like an "you"
Person 1: Waffle House brawls with Kid Rock
Person 1: Pasty out this morning isn't it private I thinks I'll be eat'n me some grits with Vietnamese children in it
Person 2: Have you ever noticed that like when people don't finish their sentences and like...
Person 1: Really is that so I never really.... So how's the kids
Person 2: *Pulls out PSP and Rick Rolls person 1*
Person 1: Have you ever like been in a relationship with a pirate and find out that the game Monopoly takes too long to play
Person 2: Yeah I know right. Like one day I was in a rug store and this dude like died.
Person 1: DETROIT - enough said
Person 2: I know the biscuits are just not making the cut in Birmingham anymore
Person 1: Saltier water sinks below less salty water
Person 2: Wooooo. You move that ink cartridge up and down like that. You dirty little ink cartridge you. There's more paper where that came from
Person 1: Have you ever met a somebody for two seconds and then said: I want to give this person my kidney
Person 2: STFU. I buy my TG Lee milk from Wal-Mart not the Goodwill
Person 1: Your just mad that my schnitzel stretches from A-Z on a key board. That's right I'm a delicatessen.
Person 2: Suck it
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