12/05/2009, 06:31 AM
12/05/2009, 06:39 AM
Quote:Stranger: KRIJG KANKER !!
You: jesus was an only child
Stranger: who gives a spoon
You: God did
Stranger: he died with his head nailed to his crotch !!
You: :)
You: who the fudge is this
You: epic
Stranger: im fudgeing satan DOH
You: :D
You: hello satan
Stranger: hello
You: i couldn't wait to meet you in hell
You: i had to come here to chat for a bit
Stranger: yea wee have omegle on every pc in hell
You: so hows Hitler?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Quote:Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl ?
You: ALT+F4 if your cool
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Quote:Stranger: hi
You: dfngdf
You: ?\
Stranger: yes
You: =]
Stranger: how are you?
You: blinded by white screen
You: lets chat
Stranger: yea
You: talk then
You: Jesus Christ was an only child
Stranger: he may be the only child
You: you don't want no cheddar?
Stranger: no, i don't like it
You: shut your fudgeing mouth before I give you something to cry about
Stranger: whoa
Stranger: what?
You: lol
You: =]
Stranger: yes
12/05/2009, 06:47 AM
12/05/2009, 07:15 AM
omegle is awesome...
"Friends" of mine gave out my mobile number on omegle... My phone hasn't stopped ringing since...
"Friends" of mine gave out my mobile number on omegle... My phone hasn't stopped ringing since...
12/05/2009, 07:44 AM
Quote:Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: greetings!
You: i come in peace
Stranger: ok
You: brain please
Stranger: wee will take you to our leader
Stranger: he is so intelligent
Stranger: like many other leaders
Stranger: where do you come from?
You: he needs to be destroyed
You: - classified -
Stranger: ok
You: get in the car!
You: drive!
Stranger: will you destroy our leader?
You: - classified -
Stranger: what will happen to us?
You: hey stop at the services i need a shake
Stranger: ok
You: us as in mutants?
You: extinction
Stranger: extinction???
Stranger: ok. that's not sound too bad
Stranger: i though you will eat as alive
You: don't worry you can hide in my pocket while its happening
Stranger: cool
Stranger: thanks for that
You: why have wee stopped?
Stranger: because you say you needen a shake
You: oh yes, my mind is too old
You: drive!
Stranger: to where?
Stranger: to our leader?
You: to the center of the world!!
You: and put your 3-d glasses on
Stranger: ok. but i have to warn you. it will be a hot trip
You: this car has A.C right?
Stranger: no
Stranger: you can open the window
You: are you trying to kill me!
Stranger: and wee're out of gas
You: - danger -
Stranger: do you have any money for gas?
You: wait a second
You: (puts finger in gas slot)
You: okay go
Stranger: but wee didn't pay?
You: pay me later
You: drive!
Stranger: ok master
Stranger: and don't yell at me
Stranger: you make me nerveous
You: - vocabulary malfunction -
You: what is nerveous?
Stranger: angry?
You: you have a right to be angry.
You: but it is you have destroyed this planet
Stranger: ofcourse i have
You: filthy race
You: vermin!
Stranger: not that filthy
Stranger: wee have good ones
Stranger: like paris hilton
You: mmmmm
You: stop with your mind games!
Stranger: tasty ha?
You: continue with the task at hand!
You: keep your eye on the road!
Stranger: whud?
You: this is taking too long
Stranger: yeah
You: (gets something out of pocket)
Stranger: what is it?
You: close your eyes!
Stranger: what's that red button for?
Stranger: can i push it?
You: sure
12/05/2009, 07:49 AM
Quote:Stranger: hi
You: what's racecar backwards?
Stranger: racecar, u dumbass
You: yes what is it backwards?
Stranger: racecar
Stranger: idiot
You: ?? yeh what is it backwards?
12/05/2009, 11:18 AM
Mc Cabe Wrote:Quote:Stranger: hi
You: what's racecar backwards?
Stranger: racecar, u dumbass
You: yes what is it backwards?
Stranger: racecar
Stranger: idiot
You: ?? yeh what is it backwards?
lol I'm gonna do that one haha
12/05/2009, 12:24 PM
lol.. tried it:
Quote:You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: girl or?
You: tell me... what is racecar backwards
Stranger: f1
Stranger: ?
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: sorry
You: no dumbass... racecar
12/05/2009, 12:28 PM
feinicks Wrote:lol.. tried it:
Quote:You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: girl or?
You: tell me... what is racecar backwards
Stranger: f1
Stranger: ?
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: sorry
You: no dumbass... racecar
* Mc Cabe giggles
12/05/2009, 12:29 PM
I tried it too 

Quote: Me: hey
other person: mmmm yesssss
Me: tell me....what is racecar backwards?
other person: racecar OH NO ITS A CONSPIRACY
Me: yes but what is racecar backwards?
other Person: I will only tell you if you tell me what radar is backwards
Me: ¬_¬ touche