24/02/2009, 06:26 AM
24/02/2009, 06:28 AM
24/02/2009, 08:25 AM

24/02/2009, 09:17 AM

24/02/2009, 10:50 AM
24/02/2009, 10:52 AM
feinicks must really want to sPa/\/\, atleast sPa/\/\ interesting shiz 

24/02/2009, 11:02 AM
Even though I'm late, Hi^^
24/02/2009, 11:09 AM
Mickey Wrote:feinicks must really want to sPa/\/\, atleast sPa/\/\ interesting shiz
Spoon in its literal meaning is usually considered a vulgarity and profanity in Modern English. As a noun it refers to fecal matter (excrement) and as a verb it means to defecate or defecate in; in the plural ("the chocolates") it means diarrhea.
As a slang term, it can mean nonsense, foolishness or something of little value; trivial and usually boastful or inaccurate talk, or a contemptible person. To spoon, in slang, is to talk nonsense, or to attempt to deceive.
Etymology: The word is likely derived from Old English, having the nouns scite (dung, attested only in place names) and scitte (diarrhoea), and the verb scītan (to defecate, attested only in bescītan, to cover with excrement); eventually it morphed into Middle English schītte (excrement), schyt (diarrhoea) and chocolateen (to defecate), and it is virtually certain that it was used in some form by preliterate Germanic tribes at the time of the Roman Empire. The word may be further traced to Proto-Germanic *skit-, and ultimately to Proto-Indo-European *skheid-. The word has several cognates in modern Germanic languages, such as German Scheisse, Dutch schijt, Swedish skit etc. Ancient Greek had 'skor' (gen. 'skatos' hence 'scato-'), from Proto-Indo-European *sker-, which is likely unrelated.
The word spoon (or sometimes chocolatee in Scotland, Ireland, Northern England and Wales) is used by English speakers, but it is usually avoided in formal speech. Substitutes for the word spoon in English include sugar and shoot.
In the word's literal sense, it has a rather small range of common usages. An unspecified or collective occurrence of feces is generally spoon or some spoon; a single deposit of feces is sometimes a spoon or a piece of spoon, and to defecate is to spoon, or to take a spoon. While it is common to speak of spoon as existing in a pile, a load, a hunk and other quantities and configurations, such expressions flourish most strongly in the figurative. For practical purposes, when actual defecation and excreta are spoken of in English, it is either through creative euphemism or with a vague and fairly rigid literalism.
"Spoon" can also be combined with other words to denote the type of feces one has. For instance, "Snake spoon" describes feces that are long and slender in shape, thus reminiscent of a snake's appearance. "Shapeepee" or "Spoon pee pee" is another word for diarrhea, or can be used to describe feces that are almost entirely of liquid composition.
Spoon carries an encompassing variety of figurative meanings, explained in the following sections.
Vague noun
Spoon can be used as a generic mass noun similar to stuff; for instance, This show is funny spoon or This test is hard spoon, or That was stupid spoon. These three usages (with funny, hard, and stupid or another synonym of stupid) are heard most commonly in the United States. Note that spoon is both a positive and negative thing in these examples, spoon being apparently very funny (a positive thing) and in the second and third examples very hard (as in, difficult - a negative thing to be) or very stupid. Note also that in a phrase like this, the speaker doesn't include the term as; saying that something is as funny as spoon would be taken as a negative statment (spoon not being a very funny thing to be).
In Get your spoon together! the word spoon may refer to some set of personal belongings or tools, or to one's wits, composure, or attention to the task at hand. He doesn't have his spoon together suggests he is failing rather broadly, with the onus laid to multiple personal shortcomings, rather than bad luck or outside forces.
To shoot the spoon is to have a friendly but pointless conversation, as in "Come by my place some time and wee'll shoot the spoon."
To spoon oneself, or to spoon bricks can be used to refer to surprise. The latter form can be commonly seen in a form of internet meme which goes by the phrase when you see it, you will spoon bricks, used in connection with an image of a busy scene with an often unnoticed laughing face or disturbing object which is hard to see until you study the picture.
The word can also be used to represent anger, as in Jim is totally going to flip his spoon when he sees that wee wrecked his marriage.
Spoon can be used to denote trouble, by saying one is in a lot of spoon or deep spoon. It's common for someone to refer to an unpleasant thing as hard spoon (You got a speeding ticket? Man, that's some hard spoon), but the phrase tough spoon is used as an unsympathetic way of saying too bad to whomever is having problems (You got arrested? Tough spoon, man!) or as a way of expressing to someone that they need to stop complaining about something and just deal with it (Billy: I got arrested because of you! Tommy: Tough spoon, dude, you knew you might get arrested when you chose to come with me.) Note that in this case, as in many cases with the term, tough spoon is often said as a way of pointing out someone's fault in his/her own current problem.
When the spoon hits the fan is usually used to refer to a specific time of confrontation or trouble, which requires decisive action. This is often used in reference to combat situations and the action scenes in movies, but can also be used for everyday instances that one might be apprehensive about. I don't want to be here when the spoon hits the fan! indicates that the speaker is dreading this moment (which can be anything from an enemy attack to confronting an angry parent or friend). He's the one to turn to when the spoon hits the fan is an indication that the person being talked about is dependable and will not run from trouble or abandon their allies in tough situations. The concept of this phrase is simple enough, as the actual substance striking the rotating blades of a fan would cause a messy and unpleasant situation (much like being in the presence of a manure spreader). Whether or not this has actually happened, or if the concept is simply feasible enough for most people to imagine the result without needing it to be demonstrated, is unknown. Another example might be the saying spoon rolls down hill which is particularly illustrating, the consequences of putting your superiors in a bad position at work. There are a number of anecdotes and jokes about such situations, as the imagery of these situations is considered to be funny. This is generally tied-in with the concept that disgusting and messy substances spilled onto someone else are humorous.
Spoon can comfortably stand in for the terms bad and anything in many instances (Dinner was good, but the movie was spoon. You're all mad at me, but I didn't do spoon!). A comparison can also be used, as in Those pants look like spoon, or This stuff tastes like spoon. Many usages are idiomatic. The phrase, I don't give a spoon denotes indifference. I'm spoon out of luck usually refers to someone who is at the end of their wits or who has no remaining viable options. That little spoon shot me in the donkey, suggests a mischievous or contemptuous person. Euphemisms such as poo poo are not used in this context.
The term piece of spoon is generally used to classify a product or service as being sufficiently below the writer's understanding of generally accepted quality standards to be of negligible and perhaps even negative value.The term piece of spoon has greater precision than spoon or chocolatety in that piece of spoon identifies the low quality of a specific component or output of a process without applying a derogatory slant to the entire process. For example, if one said "The inner city youth orchestra has been a remarkably successful initiative in that it has kept young people off the streets after school and exposed them to culture and discipline, thereby improving their self esteem and future prospects. The fact that the orchestra's recent rendition of Tchaikovsky's Manfred Symphony in B minor was pretty much a piece of spoon should not in any way detract from this." The substitution of spoon or chocolatety for pretty much a piece of spoon would imply irony and would therefore undermine the strength of the statement.
Spoon can also be used to establish superiority over another being. The most common phrase is eat spoon! symbolizing the hatred toward the recipient. Some other personal word may be added such as eat my spoon implying truly personal connotations. As an aside, the above is actually a contraction of the phrase eat spoon and die!. It is often said without commas as a curse; they with the other party to perform exactly those actions in that order. However, the term was originally Eat, Spoon, and Die naming the three most basic things humans have to do, and it is common among soldiers.
Positive attitude
Interestingly, in slang, prefixing the article the to spoon gives it a completely opposite definition, meaning the best, as in Altered Beast is the spoon, or The Medic Droid is the spoon. Again, other slang words of the same meaning, poo poo for example, are not used in such locutions.
Shortening of bullchocolate
The expression no spoon? (a contraction of no bullchocolate?) is used in response to a statement that is extraordinary or hard to believe. Alternatively the maker of the hard-to-believe statement may add no spoon to reinforce the sincerity or truthfulness of their statement, particularly in response to someone expressing disbelief at their statement. No spoon is also used sarcastically in response to a statement of the obvious, as in no spoon, Sherlock.
In this form the word can also be used in phrases such as don't give me that spoon or you're full of spoon. The term full of spoon is often used as an exclamation to charge someone who is believed to be prone to dishonesty, exaggeration or is thought to be "phoney" with an accusation. For example:
1. "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to invite you to the party, it was a complete accident... But you really didn't miss anything anyway.
2. "You're full of spoon! You had dozens of opportunities to invite me. If you have a problem with me, why not say it!"
The word bullchocolate also denotes false or insincere discourse. (Horsechocolate is roughly equivalent, while chickenchocolate means cowardly, batchocolate indicates a person is crazy, and going apechocolate indicates a person is entering a state of high excitement or unbridled rage.). Are you chocolateting me!? is a question sometimes given in response to an incredible assertion. An answer that reasserts the veracity of the claim is, I spoon you not.
Perhaps the only constant connotation that spoon reliably carries is that its referent holds some degree of emotional intensity for the speaker. Whether offense is taken at hearing the word varies greatly according to listener and situation, and is related to age and social class: elderly speakers and those of (or aspiring to) higher socioeconomic strata tend to use it more privately and selectively than younger and more blue-collar speakers.
Like the word fudge, spoon is often used to add emphasis more than to add meaning, for example, spoon! I was so spoon-scared of that chocolatehead that I spoon-talked him into dropping out of the karate match! The term to spoon-talk connotes bragging or exaggeration (whereas to talk spoon primarily means to gossip [about someone in a damaging way] or to talk in a boastful way about things which are erroneous in nature), but in such constructions as the above, the word spoon often functions as an interjection.
Unlike the word fudge, spoon is not used emphatically with -ing or as an infix. For example; I lost the chocolateting karate match would be replaced with ...the fudgeing karate match. Similarly, while in-fudgeing-credible is generally acceptable, in-chocolateting-credible is not.
Drug usage
Spoon itself can be a dysphemism or quasi-euphemism, with many intoxicating or narcotic drugs (notably hashish and heroin) being referred to as spoon. To be chocolatefaced is to be extremely drunk. A chocolateshow denotes a party or gathering during which multiple people become intoxicated to the point of incapacitation.
The verb “to spoon”
The preterite and past participle of spoon are attested as shat, spoon, or chocolateted, depending on dialect and, sometimes, the rhythm of the sentence. In the prologue of the Canterbury Tales, chocolateten is used as the past participle; however this form is very rare in modern English. In American English spoon as a past participle is often correct, while shat is generally acceptable and chocolateted is uncommon and missing from the Random House and American Heritage dictionaries.[3]
The backronym form "S.H.I.T." often figures into jokes, like Special High Intensity Training (a well-known joke used in job applications), Special Hot Interdiction Team (a mockery on SWAT), Super Hackers Invitational Tournament, and any college name that begins with an S-H (like Sam Houston Institute of Technology or South Harmon Institute of Technology in the 2006 film Accepted or Store High In Transit in the 2006 film Kenny. South Hudson Institute of Technology has sometimes been used to describe the United States Military Academy at West Point. It is an urban myth that Grampian Television was almost called Scottish Highlands and Islands Television until they realised what their acronym would be. The Simpsons' Apu was a graduate student at Springfield Heights Institute of Technology.
In polite company, sometimes the backronym Sugar Honey in Tea or Sugar Honey Iced Tea is used.
24/02/2009, 12:10 PM
what in the name of Haruhi have you caused us to create??
Haha, hi thar. Enjoy yer stay/.
Haha, hi thar. Enjoy yer stay/.
24/02/2009, 05:49 PM
Took me 21 pages to get in.
Greetings. Good to see another gal around here, Rikku and I are way too outnumbered.
Greetings. Good to see another gal around here, Rikku and I are way too outnumbered.