Re feinicks : ._." (doesn't understand at all and only finding it harder to understand xD)
Re Haruhi : YAYYYYYYYYYYYY x3....!
feinicks Wrote:Kittykate Wrote:Re feinicks : ._." (doesn't understand at all and only finding it harder to understand xD)
* feinicks phails.... 
awww! *pats* sorry my english r bad
but hopefully with u here with all the new-hard-words i can learn more xd!!
so no ! u didn't phail!!!!

/attempts to make a good first impression
Re boogshcd: hai xD! nice to meet u! mind me asking if your name means anything xDD??? (had to scroll up and down when i type "re boogshcd" xd!! is harddddddddd ;x
Kittykate Wrote:feinicks Wrote:Kittykate Wrote:Re feinicks : ._." (doesn't understand at all and only finding it harder to understand xD)
* feinicks phails.... 
awww! *pats* sorry my english r bad 
but hopefully with u here with all the new-hard-words i can learn more xd!!
so no ! u didn't phail!!!!
No! Liek ur eenglish is goods and all! The Void cauzes confusion!
boogschd Wrote:O HAI THAR ! :D
/attempts to make a good first impression
<<< That's his real face in his avatar!!!
.....ewwww really?? that's u boopschd....? *fells on floor* which planet did u came from?