Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Hi all i am new!
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Re Nacos: nothing hehe xDD just browsing the forums ;3! and u?
Re Mehhakker: o; thanks for info.! ^^ what r u doing naos

laptop running out of battery! if i disappears see u all soon!
Gonna go take a shower then probably play some WoW/avoid doing courseowrk.
interesting thread :)
Hello and get ready to be raped, no seriously watch out or you will be raped

by the way slush will choose Rikku <.<
Hi, welcome to the site :)
[Image: its-a-trap.jpg]
YoYoBallz Wrote:[Image: its-a-trap.jpg]

i agree yoyo. this is some sort of... what?

seriously... 125 posts in 3 hours...

[Image: Drop_the_Soap-Its_a_trap.jpg]
image is blocked in school Sadcorner
* Mickey goes cry in the corner because he keeps getting left out
Lolz, wow, this is one long introduction thread. Hey, wassup there Kitykate, seems like you made a hit with the folks here, which isn't bad.

Well..... They do......no, never mind, I guess you'll figure out in due time......God I hope you make it out in one piece....

* MoseZ steps back and lets mind games go to play......
Or it's just one are already members messing around.

It's a trap
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