Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Show Your Oblivion Chara!
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The x1650 should handle it fine if you don't overdo it with Texture Mods, my x1600 was ok on almost high settings mixed with middle and only highres chara textures. Just keep an eye on the grass/vegetation settings, it can coast some performance.

@Zinga: I don't quite get it, you don't have Oblivion anymore?
SkyDX Wrote:@Zinga: I don't quite get it, you don't have Oblivion anymore?
It's not on my comp with the 7800GT card.  Or do you want me to screenshot on my current 4670 card?  Haven't really tweaked settings, so probably not maximizing anything though...
I'll post up my character when I have all of his gear ready.
I'm excited to see it Jaze^^

@Zinga: Any screen of the LOD would be fine, since I think my is TOTALLY messed up.
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