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Is that screen a mod?  The only way I can look at myself is through the menu...
I know its not generally as bad as those screens, but with a steel weapon its stil unsightly

http://cs.elderscrolls.com/constwiki/ind...R_Settings has some info on HDR variables in the INI

And http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_10.html is what i used to tone mine down

@ Zinga, if you hold down the Tab key, you can rotate the camera, or there is a console command for UFO cam (i forget what it is though :S)
been long since I played oblivion... have the original DVD which doesn't even ask for a serial no.!
@Zinga: I'm using this mod to adjust the cam and this to adjust my charas pose.

@roberth: thanks! I'll look into it!

@feinicks: yeah it's great that such a game only used a simple CD-Check as a copy protection. It still sold very well, this should be an example for todays DRM infected game developers/publishers....
My oblivion character is too cool for EP.
ha ha
I never played
I have morrowind though

I think I will check it out...
is oblivion online?
...I've been stuck in a cave for two freaking hours...

and my game lags and looks crappy with even the lowest settings...

what's up with that?
Still haven't gotten around, but my char's pretty much default anyway.
Wonder if there's a non-driver related thing for refresh rate overrides... (damn Catalyst)

Slushba132 Wrote:...I've been stuck in a cave for two freaking hours...

and my game lags and looks crappy with even the lowest settings...

what's up with that?
Probably your system?  Specs?
SkyDX Wrote:@feinicks: yeah it's great that such a game only used a simple CD-Check as a copy protection. It still sold very well, this should be an example for todays DRM infected game developers/publishers....

yea... however, it is not online, so not much point having to strict protections.. I have the original... still wonder why I bought this when there are other equally impressive games in ISO format on my Hdd...
feinicks Wrote:
SkyDX Wrote:@feinicks: yeah it's great that such a game only used a simple CD-Check as a copy protection. It still sold very well, this should be an example for todays DRM infected game developers/publishers....

yea... however, it is not online, so not much point having to strict protections.. I have the original... still wonder why I bought this when there are other equally impressive games in ISO format on my Hdd...
I copied mine from my friend who bought the game - surprised that it didn't even require a serial.  Didn't have CD check either, but the patch introduced that.  Fortunately, they didn't bother protecting that - 2 minutes of debugging and all you have to do is NOP out a function call (replace 5 bytes in the EXE with 0x90) and you've broken the CD check.
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