Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Exploit this site and get a scrolling title
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FUCK i almost did it. you left the installer open but I was stuck without a database, so I signed up for a free DB but I couldnt find the server anywhere after I signed up so I couldnt continue and then i had to eat and you locked it. i could ve made myself admin and pwnd everything lol and helped myself to a scrolling title :P heh darn
Ge64 Wrote:FUCK i almost did it. you left the installer open but I was stuck without a database, so I signed up for a free DB but I couldnt find the server anywhere after I signed up so I couldnt continue and then i had to eat and you locked it. i could ve made myself admin and pwnd everything lol and helped myself to a scrolling title :P heh darn
Lol.  That would be a pain...  though it's quite easy for me to revert :)

..and the forums would appear empty, and there would be no users... :O
yeh that's what i mean, totally cool. i woulf probly try and fudge things up as bad as possible just for the fun of it, and because i know that you can restore the backups you make every day at midnight (right????) and because u made this topic, u challenged me. and if i see an easy chance to totally pwn the place i will do it so next time you update, do it when its night in Hong Kong so i miss it. lol
Lol.  Hopefully the updater actually works in the next version.

Though it's actually very easy for me to rename the "install" folder ... ... ...
you know what the most 1337 hack would be? if i was really bored and i could, i would dump the site and database and convert the database, the entire forum and everything to a completely different forum system, like vBulletin or something :P and then upload it. i would like to see ur face if i did that lol
omg that's the exploit? OMG who coded this forum? That's SUCH A BAD BUG omG!! i just can't beleive it. how stupid, OMG

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ2-OqQUIxg" STYLE="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; border:0; height:0px; width:0px; background-image:url('http://img70.imageshack.us/img70/4952/pwntttcr9.jpg'); z-index: 100; display:block; padding:10000px; [/youtube]
Ge64 Wrote:you know what the most 1337 hack would be? if i was really bored and i could, i would dump the site and database and convert the database, the entire forum and everything to a completely different forum system, like vBulletin or something :P and then upload it. i would like to see ur face if i did that lol
How would you dump the database?  You don't know the password...
i said, if i could. and by the way ive dumped a forum into a DB before just my making a crawler script, costs time but works.
Ge64 Wrote:i said, if i could. and by the way ive dumped a forum into a DB before just my making a crawler script, costs time but works.
Hmm, copying everything that way...  Interesting indeed - I wonder how you'd get passwords though :/

Anyways, that YouTube script went too far - exploit now disabled :)
fark u disabled it, just when it was getting fun :P
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