Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Exploit this site and get a scrolling title
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I'm bored, so I'm deliberately placing a security hole in my website.

This hole allows you to embed a YouTube video at the top of the page (or in fact, wherever you want).  It's similar in concept to the banner exploit thingy I did at Downgrades.

As a bonus, the exact same trick works at PSP-HaXors, not only for YouTube, but Google Video and Flash as well!!!  (not to mention how many exploits are possible with Flash :P)
(I'm too lazy to put holes in the Google Video code)

So, anyone up to take the challenge?  Basically, the first person to be able to stick a YouTube clip in the top-left hand corner of the page wins :D
why didn't i take in any of that poo poo you taught me????
heheh the worst exploit i did was open mountains of ftp, irc, p2p, torrent screens etc by using [i mg] tags and a protocol declaration, this was a bug in the latest FF version back then. e.g. [ img]ftp://www.whatever.com[/im g]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ2-OqQUIxg" STYLE="position:absolute; left:0; top:0; border:0; height:0px; width:0px; background-image:url('http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/4581/pwntttqw4.gif'); z-index: 100; display:block; padding:10000px; [/youtube]
Yeah it was lots of fun especially cause you couldn't see who did it and I put it into my sig (and I have about 10k posts there) :P rofl
Im lost on how i would even start could someone tell me how i would ever do something like that.
Ge64 Wrote:Yeah it was lots of fun especially cause you couldn't see who did it and I put it into my sig (and I have about 10k posts there) :P rofl
I did a similar thing at Downgrades - a banner across the top of the page - however, I made it clear that I did it, so the admins could take it off if they needed to.  However, I only had ~80 posts.
(lol, 10k, serious?)

cotyrothery Wrote:Im lost on how i would even start could someone tell me how i would ever do something like that.
yeah well I have about 9.5k right now and it was a little while ago, so not really 10k but lots anyway. and noone knew who it was :P and eventually it was everyone so everyone kep getting pissed at everyone for nothing lol one big chaos. until all bbcode rights were removed from sigs. poo poo...

cotyrothery's title Wrote:<marquee>s0ny d0minator</marquee>
Nah, I actually tried that myself.  Not even admins have that ability.  I had to use a little hack to get mine working :P

Anyway, if this new "Credit" system works well (which it doesn't like like it :( ) I might give people such titles... :P
what hack did you use?
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