Endless Paradigm

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looked like a
microscopic penis
Putting what wee have together =

Once upon a time lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis. So then, Frodo Baggins, 'borrowed' from Sparker what was his cheese cake and what Gandalf lacked. So Sparker got angry, and screamed out ?? Desu ?? Desu ??, HOWEVER, a giant monster admitted he was gay and also a lesbian, "THOSE DARNED LESBIANS" hollered Gene Simmons, who was equally as gay as Paul Stanley, who... ("AARRGH!" cried the author!) ...Was secretly dating me at the time, then dumped [me] for Gandalf, managed to rape himself with a frozen stick of butter because he had no sense of right and left, so he penetrated through someone's a$$, thus broke his thing, screaming "WHY ME!?!" and [fell] down a mega hole called bob. A large goat from the planet of randomness, with his purple hair and his microscopic penis looked like a microscopic penis...

... who likes smoking pot...
the microscopic penis was actually a mole and not a microscopic penis.
   chapter 2.

the started like all the rest, would today be as spoon as the last week  ??.
the started like all the rest, would today be as spoon as the last week  ??.
and the answer was
...and the answer was predictable, given the circumstances
but the circumstances were that the story about him was a copy of another persons thread and went mentally unstable due to confusion and imploded into....
a load of confusion..
When BUMP!!!! Holy moly!!!
Everything changed - the focus switched to what was there... In the corner...
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