Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Lets Tell A Story
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theEvilOne Wrote:And then Andrew, Elaina, and Chris came and killed the one wee know as ZiNgA bUrGa, thus bringing down immaculate and undeserved pain and suffering upon its fellow users.

this story is quite false...
trademark91 Wrote:
theEvilOne Wrote:And then Andrew, Elaina, and Chris came and killed the one wee know as ZiNgA bUrGa, thus bringing down immaculate and undeserved pain and suffering upon its fellow users.

this story is quite false...

No, for what he did NO MAN COULD REPEAT.

He jumped OVER THE FENCE OUTSIDE THE EP HOUSE, causing the evil entities to follow, jump over and INTO THE VOID.. endlessly falling into their ever-impending DOOM.. where ZINGA CLUNG ONTO THE VERY TOP OF THE FENCE WITH THE NAILS OF HIS TEARING OFF HIS FLESH.... and SPARKER got him in time, PULLED him back up and Sparkers Guardian Loli nursed ZiNgA BuRgA BACK to health over the course of 2 months after a truly epic battle that left him scared in ways unimaginable..
Except may be...


[Image: Necropost.jpg]
* Sparker doesn't know what to write to continue the story.
* Sparker doesn't know what to write to continue the story. so Kasi helps by adding to his old post! (^_^)/
Magical Lolita Sparker has a Guardian Loli? :o

Then Lunar-chan had toughts of raping Sensei when he's done with Skyy-kun...god knoes when that's gonna be. ♥
This thread has gone really downhill. I pissed myself laughing at the first 5 pages though : )
and thus the sidestory begins
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