Endless Paradigm

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Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like elijah wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe...on top the biggest...dwarf in the village.....
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like elijah wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe...on top the biggest...dwarf in the village.....who was missing a...
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like elijah wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe...on top the biggest...dwarf in the village.....who was missing a...Leg !!! and his name is....
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is...

Gandalf the Multicolored, who...
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis.
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis. So then, Frodo Baggins,
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis. So then, Frodo Baggins, 'borrowed' from Sparker what
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis. So then, Frodo Baggins, 'borrowed' from Sparker what was his cheese cake
Once upon a time..lived the most unlucky guy to ever have been granted life with a face like Elijah Wood, who was very "Hobbity", except for when he needed to go to the ladies toilet and took the biggest dump in the universe on top the biggest dwarf in the village who was missing a leg !!! and his name is Gandalf the Multicolored, who had two heads and no penis. So then, Frodo Baggins, 'borrowed' from Sparker what was his cheese cake and what Gandalf lacked.
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