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o yeah that was in the asl thread
that's what I thought...... but its gone.....

How about this: in the User List there is an option for sorting it by name, post count, etc.
Why not rep points?
^Cause the makers of MyBB didn't want to include it... It probably wouldn't be too hard to implement I guess... >_>
I think they should make an advanced user search like vBulletin. (you also cannot search based on user group)
Can anyone do anything about that really annoying poll issue where when u try to edit, u can move the options and number of votes up and down, but u can move the names of the people who voted, so if after any movement, the number and names don't match up.
^^It's not technically a bug - it's designed that way. Most forum systems don't even allow Poll Editing, so you should make the poll perfect beforehand :P
heres a better smoking gif
Lol - kinda not the forum smiley theme though...
Thanks :P
i could recolor it to yellow
1 suggestion
make 1 section/threadd for pple having trouble with sendspace or RS . and sticky it .
post the link that wee having trouble to download and others download for us and reupload again using another website.
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