Endless Paradigm

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mzz. dun really think that is needed. just post it out and ask lolz
Use MediaFire.
how about marquee sig ?
Nah - I dislike Marquee.  My title is a different matter however :P
1 section for games
Hafiy Wrote:1 section for games

There is a section for Games & Entertainment.
i mean 1 sections for the games like this and that , prediction game and etc
^^ That's called sPa/\/\ lolz.. not a game ≥3
then make it like random insanity, no post counted.
why not just post them in RI, that's what its for sorta. it the beginning it was more for topics titled something like "BLAAARG" and "JBGAEOYGIYALHSBG" as start post, but that doesn't happen much anymore :P
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